Being a second-year student felt no different than being a first-year. Hiyori couldn't believe that a whole entire year had gone by since she and her friends began high school. Everything was so different from how it was back then. And watching the opening ceremony from the audience was nothing like being part of it. She could still remember how fresh-faced and nervous she was.
Now it was her turn to watch and help nervous and fresh-faced others.
The only ones in their class who didn't watch the ceremony were Uo and Kyo. When Tohru, Hiyori, and Hana got back to the classroom, their friends were still sitting at their desks.
Hiyori blinked as they approached the two. "You guys are still here, huh? I'm a little surprised you didn't just sneak away to go home."
With a mask over her nose and mouth, Uo stretched her arms above her head. "It's not like I had much of a choice. But at least I got a good nap in."
"I'm glad." She giggled.
"So, the ceremony's already over?"
"Yup! And the first years were adorable!" Tohru clasped her hands together. "Even if some of them looked totally lost. The two of you really missed out by not coming to wish them well."
"Hard pass." Was their response.
"I'm already suffering through this hay fever." Uo said. "Put me in a loud, cramped room and I'd be in hell."
Kyo didn't look up from his book. "Stop complaining, and take some meds."
"They don't work for me. Maybe all those drugs in my rebellious youth were a mistake."
"What drugs are you talkin' about?"
Sweatdropping slightly, Hiyori walked over to the window between their desks. "Well, maybe it'd help if you closed the window..."
"Huh...I didn't think of that." Uo blinked.
Hiyori smiled weakly. But as she was closing the window, she noticed a sleek black car pulling up at the front of the school. A car that she got the odd feeling she'd seen somewhere before. The driver got out to open the backseat door, and Hiyori caught a quick glimpse of whoever was stepping out.
Pale skin was dressed in all black. She saw short, dark, slightly messy hair. The person was slender -- almost frail-looking. From far away, she couldn't see how old they looked. But she had to wonder, was that someone's parent?
If so...why did she get an odd feeling from them?
Her attention was pulled away from the person when Uo spoke up again. "I'm surprised the prince isn't with you."
Tohru smiled. "Well, everyone on the ceremony committee is really busy today."
"Man, sounds like a rough life. Plus, I bet he's getting mauled by lovestruck first-years already."
"But I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up student council president this year. The current one should focus on his own issues."
Hiyori tilted her head. 'President Takei adores Yuki a lot, so I'm sure he'll definitely be offered the position. But something tells me that it's a little out of Yuki's comfort zone...'
"Oh, that's right." They turned to Hana. "Tohru, Hiyori; earlier, I picked up some waves from the adults' area that felt like they might belong to Shigure."
"Oh, right!" Tohru smiled. "He should be here. There are a couple of new Sohma's who are entering the school as first years."
Shigure set down his chopsticks with a smile. "I adore Haru and Momiji; It's like they're my younger brothers. Clearly, I'll have to be there." He shrugged innocently. "I'd never be able to forgive myself if I missed their glorious school debut!"

𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕥 || 𝕂𝕪𝕠 𝕊𝕠𝕙𝕞𝕒
Fanfiction"Some people believe that seeing a butterfly is supposed to remind you that your deceased loved ones are still watching over you." In which a girl with reoccurring dreams finds a new home, some new friends, and some memories that she was supposed to...