I Guess It Makes Sense

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The house was oddly quiet that evening. The only conversation going on was between Tohru and Hiyori, and even that came to an end when they sat down for dinner with Yuki and Kyo. Now they were just sitting in awkward silence. Hiyori hated it; everyone knew that awkward silences made her uncomfortable, hence the reason why she always tried to fill them with whatever random thought came to mind.

She didn't understand how Yuki and Kyo could possibly seem so...oblivious to the atmosphere. They had to know how tense this was, right? Of course, they never spoke to each other on a regular day, but they at least spoke to Tohru and Hiyori. But that wasn't the case right now; they were both just eating in silence.

A few minutes into their meal, Hiyori tried to speak up. "Uh -- so-- "

"Hello, kids." Shigure looked in with a smile.

Endlessly thankful for a disruption to the silence, Hiyori beamed. "Shigure! Welcome home!"

She and Tohru moved to the left to leave him room on Tohru's right. "I hope your errand went well."

"It did." He walked over to take his seat. "Now, tell me, who would like to go on a trip tomorrow?"

All four of them paused. "Huh?"

"A trip! It'll be the first day of Golden Week. What better time to get away from it all?"

"Hey, what's with all the last-minute vacation planning?" Kyo frowned. "You drunk or something?"

"I may drink, but I never get drunk." He looked around at them. "Let's go! The Sohma family maintains a lake house for just such an occasion." He smiled at Tohru and Hiyori. "Well? You in?"

Both were quick to wave their hands in protest. "Oh no, we couldn't possibly -- "

"That's so nice of you to offer, but -- "

"We already went on the previous Sohma vacation, so -- "

"To go on another one would be a lot -- I feel like we'd be intruding -- "

"Ah, but you see, that trip doesn't count because I didn't get to go with you." Looking down, he stared at the table with a sad smile. "Such a shame, missing out like that...I was heartbroken."

Deflating, Hiyori and Tohru stared at him. Then, after sharing a glance, they both smiled eagerly. "Then, let's go!"

Grinning, he flashed a peace sign. Kyo and Yuki glared. "Have you no shame?!"

"Not really." Shigure turned to them. "Well, it's settled. I assume you boys will be coming along? Unless, of course, you want Tohru, Hiyori, and me to be all alone in the wilderness together. Not that I'd object, mind you."

Growling in annoyance, the two of them also found themselves manipulated.

"Then off we go! I thought it might be fun to travel by car. And, don't worry, I'll handle all the driving."

Yuki stared at him. "Shigure, do you even have a license?"

A pause followed. Shutting his eyes, Shigure lowered his head for a second. Then he looked back up at the ceiling with a smile.

"Of course I have a license..!"

"Why'd you have to think about it?"


That's how they found themselves at the Sohma Family lakehouse. Tall green trees were just about everywhere they looked, but the lake was big and blue enough that they could see it from the cabin window. Staring out said window alongside Hiyori, Yuki, Hatori, and Miyumi, Tohru gasped.

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