But I Knew That Already

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Throwing herself into their arms, Kisa clung to the girls. Having just walked through the doors with Hiro and their luggage, the first thing she did was hug Tohru and Hiyori. Of course, neither was dissatisfied in the slightest.

...The same could not be said for Hiro. His clenched fists and scowl did not go unnoticed. 'The second we get here...'

Joining them in the foyer, Hatsuharu, Momiji, and Miyumi watched him. "You got dumped..."

"He got dumped~!" Momiji giggled. "He got dumped~!"

Miyumi sipped from her juice box atop Hatsuharu's shoulders. "Don't cry, Hiro."

He glared at all three of them. "Shut up! It was a long trip here, and I'm feeling fatigued! Show me to my room!"

"Oh," Still kneeling on the ground with Hiyori and Kisa, Tohru smiled. "Well, Hiyori, Miyumi, and I are sharing a room in this wing. And the boys are staying in the other wing."

"Wait..." Hiro blinked. "What?"

"You're gonna be roomies with one of us, Hiro!" Momiji cheered. "And Kisa can room with Tohru, Hiyori and Miyu!"

"Yeah!" Miyumi beamed. "We're having a slumper party! No boys allowed!"

But Hiro was still frowning. "Who are you to decide that? And what makes you think I would want to share a room with any of you?"

"You mean you don't want to share a room with anyone but Kisa." Hatsuharu said. "How cute."

"How cute!" Miyumi chirped.

"I never said that!" Red in the face, Hiro glanced away. "The point is, why should I have to share? You're all older than me, so shouldn't you be more considerate?"

"Oh," Hiyori blinked. "Um, in that case -- "

"Shut up, you loser!"

"...Sorry." She sweatdropped.

Kisa's hands curled around Hiyori's arm. "Hiro-chan -- "

"Oh, you're here." Yuki joined them all in the foyer. "You sure got here quickly."

Hatsuharu looked up. "Ah...I've got it." He walked over to drape one arm around Yuki's shoulders. "I'll bunk with Yuki."


Yuki's confusion went unacknowledged. "Problem solved."

"Then it's settled!" Momiji cheered.

Miyumi raised her juice box. "Mission compete!"

"Wait a minute, what are you all talking about?"

Grinning, Momiji raised his fist. "Alright! The room arrangements are dealt with!"

"Sounds good to me!" Standing up, Hiyori smiled at Kisa. "Tohru and I will show you to the room, Kisa. Shall we?"

"Mm-hm!" Smiling back, Kisa took their hands. Once Tohru grabbed Kisa's bag, the three of them left together.

Momiji turned to head for the other wing. "And we're this way, Hiro!"

Still drinking her juice on Hatsuharu's shoulders, Miyumi noticed Hiro taking a lingering glance at the girls. Specifically at Kisa, who didn't notice because of her joy from being with Tohru and Hiyori.

He never was very subtle. At least not if you asked Miyumi.

"Hiro," Pausing, Hiro glanced back at Hatsuharu. "You're losing points with that attitude. Kisa gets anxious whenever you lose your temper. You should work on that."

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