Like I Could Ever Do That

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Gloomy and cloudy as the day was, Hiyori really didn't mind being outside. She nearly stepped in a deep puddle a little while back, but she supposed that's one of the reasons why Yuki insisted on coming with her to the grocery store. That and, probably, her general incompetence and spaciness.

Carrying the groceries, Yuki glanced up at the grey sky above his umbrella. "I had hoped the rain would let up by now. But the storm isn't going away."

"Yeah..." Hiyori smiled. "But at least the last two weeks have been nice! A little rain isn't so bad every once in a while."

He smiled back at her. "Only you would call this a "little rain", Miss Kato."

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment." She grinned. Yuki chuckled.

They had only just reached the footbridge when a black car pulled up behind them. When Yuki stopped, Hiyori did the same. Just a second after one of the doors swung open, a small redhead darted out. Hiyori only barely saw a flash of hair before she was tackled with a hug around the waist. She squeaked as she dropped her umbrella.


She blinked rapidly. "Miyumi! I-I didn't know you were coming over today..."

"It was a surprise!" Smiling brightly, Momiji hopped out of the car with his and Miyumi's bags over his shoulder. He didn't seem to even notice the rain pouring on him without his coat. "We've got big news for you guys!"

"Big news?" Yuki echoed. "What is it?"

He giggled. "I just told you; it's a surprise! We've got to make the announcement when everyone's there to hear it!"

Hiyori smiled. "I guess that's fair. So -- "

After Miyumi jumped on Momiji's back, he grabbed Hiyori's hand. "Come on! Let's go!"

"Wait -- but Momiji, where's your coat -- !"

She yelped when he took off, pulling her right along behind him. "Let's go!"

Grabbing Hiyori's abandoned umbrella, Yuki sighed. "Today is sure to be an interesting day..."


By the time they reached the top of the steps, Hiyori was just as soaked as Momiji. They went in through the porch doors and took off their shoes in the hall. Momiji was the one to open the living room doors with a bright grin.

When he did, Tohru shrieked in terror.

"Hallo, everyone!" Momiji raised his arms. "You ready?! 'Cause, tomorrow we're getting out of here!"

Trembling from the shock, Tohru stared down at her watermelon slice. "That...was terrifying..."

Unrattled by their sudden appearance, Shigure glanced at Hiyori and Yuki, the latter of whom just arrived behind them. "Ah, there you two are. I was wondering if you'd drowned in the storm."

"Nope!" Hiyori chirped.

Yuki went over to grab the towels from the cabinet. "Of course not." He handed them to Hiyori and Momiji. "So, Momiji, you said we're getting out of here? Where are we going?"

Momiji draped one towel on his head before using the other to dry Miyumi's wet hair. "We all agreed we were gonna hang out together this summer, remember?" Sitting down, Hiyori untied her own hair to dry it. "So, I reserved one of the Sohma vacation houses for us! Our ultimate summer getaway officially begins tomorrow!"

"W-Wait -- " Hiyori dropped her towel. "What?!"

"Hold on, a getaway?!" Tohru bristled. "Vacation house?!"

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