I Guess I Am

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Hiyori didn't watch much tv as a kid. She did remember one aired show that she was particularly fond of; it was about a girl who gained the ability to change into a magical alter ego and battle evil forces. Little Hiyori always got so starry-eyed whenever she watched an episode. But other than that, she never did watch very much television.

However, since meeting and getting so close with Miyumi and Kisa, she developed an odd fondness for the Mogeta franchise. Those two adored it, and that was one of a few reasons why she was so quick to say yes when Kisa asked if they could watch the newest anime DVD together.

"Oh, man! I didn't know the enemy would be this strong!"

"Ha! Look at you, Ari; trembling in the face of my power! That said, when I get home, the old ball and chain will be there waiting for me -- !"

"Seriously?! What is wrong with you?! Don't take your marriage issues out on me!"


"Let's go, Mogeta! Triple Turbo Charge Swat!"

Frowning at the screen, Hiyori tilted her head. "Oh, dear...It really puts things into perspective, doesn't it?"

"Yeah." Tohru agreed. "I guess even bad guys have their own struggles to overcome. But his wife probably has reasons for acting the way she does, too...This is a complicated issue."

Kisa nodded from between them. Yuki just sipped his tea quietly with no comment to add. At least not out loud.

When Shigure's door slid open, all four of them looked up to see him yawning as he stepped out. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Shigure!" Hiyori chirped.

"Try again," Yuki frowned at him from beside her. "It's evening now. Why can't you sleep like a normal person?"

"Well, that's precisely why I became a writer; so I wouldn't have to." Spotting Kisa, he blinked. "Oh? Who's this? She looks an awful lot like Kisa!" He crouched to set his hand on her head with a doting grin. "How would you like some yummy candy, Sunshine?"

"Are you still asleep, or was that just another one of your creepy attempts at being funny?"

"You wound me!" Hugging the blinking Kisa, he turned his head with tears in his eyes. "What have I done to deserve such coldness from my dear cousin..?"

"Let the poor thing go. You'll contaminate her."

Laughing awkwardly, Hiyori paused the show. Shigure pulled back from Kisa. "Well, anyway, what are we watching?"

"An anime." Kisa replied. "Miyu-chan really wanted me to see it...And it's popular at school, too, so I borrowed it."

Shigure tilted his head just slightly. "And how are things going at school?"

"...Good." She smiled. "I've been trying very hard." She looked down timidly. "It's easier now...trying, I mean, because my mom's there for me...and all of you are, too. So..."

Tohru and Hiyori squished her between them in a tight double hug. "We love you so much!"

"It's an explosion of cute." Shigure chuckled.

This time, the front door was the one heard sliding open. Shigure glanced over to the kitchen when they heard the footsteps.

"Ah, our hot-blooded Kyo is home."

When Kyo walked into the kitchen, Hiyori stood up to join him. "Welcome home, Kyo!"

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