I'm Sure You'll Find It

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Whatever Motoko Minagawa said to Yuki Sohma before walking away must have left him surprised. Watching from the window above, Daichi thought so, anyway.

He crossed his arms. "So, that's him. What do you think?"

Beside Daichi was a girl with dark grey hair and light grey eyes. She stayed quiet.

But the tall brunet standing on her other side used his notebook in his hand to shield his eyes rather mysteriously. Daichi never understood when people said he and his twin looked alike; the only things they had in common were height and hair color.

"Yup, he's as pretty as they say. No wonder all those fangirls spend most of their time talking about him."

Daichi rolled his eyes. "If you join his Fan club, I'm disowning you as my brother."

"Shut up. You know my heart belongs to one person only." He glanced down at the girl between them. "But, President Takei was right. If Minagawa found out that Machi was joining the student council, she'd probably throw a fit."

"...But...Yuki Sohma just seems so..."

Both boys glanced at her. "Huh?"

She glanced away from the window. "...Never mind. Forget it."

Sighing, Daichi patted her head. "Don't dangle a carrot in front of a horse's face."

Kakeru grinned. "Even a horse would be smarter than you."

"Go to hell. Didn't you tank most of your midterms last month?"

"Only because I studied with you, jerk!"

"Would you both cut it out?" Machi sighed. "Come on, let's go."

Kakeru stretched his arms as they followed her. "Well, anyways, you should show more interest in other people, Machi. You know, take a page out of my book."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Daichi asked.

"Well, Yuki Sohma for one, but..."

He trailed off when he glanced up.

Up ahead, two students passed by. Daichi knew both of them; no one stood out in a crowd more than Saki Hanajima. The same couldn't be said for the brunette beside her, but lots of people knew her name, too -- you couldn't be good friends with Yuki Sohma and not have people know about you.

Her blue eyes met Kakeru's brown ones. She seemed to tense slightly before her gaze went to Daichi, who hadn't noticed her while waiting for his brother to continue. But just as quickly as it happened, she brushed it off and turned back to her friend with that smile of hers. And just like that, they disappeared around the corner.

"But..?" Daichi pressed when Kakeru didn't go on.

Pushing his hands in his pockets, Kakeru was still staring down the hall. "...Nothing. Never mind."

"...You really are the weird twin."


"Hiyori! Tohru! Yuki! Kyo!" Class 2-D was mostly empty when Momiji ran in. "It's bad! It's bad! It's really bad!"

Glaring out the window, Kyo stood with crossed arms. He'd been sulking for the past ten minutes at least, and the only ones paying him any mind were Hiyori and Tohru.

Uo glanced over at Momiji. "Yeah, well, things are bad here too."

"Why? What's up?"

"Um, we were just talking about the group activities we're going to do on the class trip." Tohru told him.

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