Glad I Could Help!

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Spring weather always varied from gloomy to beautiful. Today was a rainy day; the clouds were there when they left to go shopping, but the rain only began on their journey home. Things always had to work out that way, didn't they?

Extending her hand from under the shelter they found, Hiyori lit up. "Oh, good! It's finally dying down a bit!"

"Let's wait here a little longer until it stops." Yuki suggested.

Tohru nodded. "'Kay!"

They returned their gazes to the sky. "So, Golden Week is almost over..."

"Yeah...I had such a good time at the lakehouse." She smiled.

"All I remember is the noise."

Hiyori giggled. "Maybe, but I can't pretend that wasn't fun, too. It was so nice to be there with everyone, and there wasn't a single dull moment!" She glanced up to smile at the sky. "Honestly...when the time came to leave, I was...sorta disappointed."

Yuki smiled at her. "...I see." He leaned closer. "But don't forget we have midterms coming up when we get back."

Both girls flinched. Turning her head, Hiyori's aura turned gloomy. "Ah -- don't remind me..."

Tohru ducked her head as tears streamed down her face. "Yeah..." She perked. "Oh, but I almost forgot! Before that, we have the student council elections!"

This time, it was Yuki's turn to sulk. "Don't remind me..."

Hiyori giggled. "President Takei's been telling everyone that he wants you to replace him."

"But it looks like would rather not." Tohru observed.

"Yeah..." He stared at the ground. "I don't know what he expects of me...what they all expect...but they've got the wrong idea. Because the real me is more..."

""More" what..?" Tohru asked.

He must have been speaking without thinking. When she spoke up, he tensed and quickly turned back to them. "Uh, never mind. Forget I said anything."


"Mm..." Hiyori hesitated. "Uh, I-I wanted to say -- "

"Oh, hey, Yuki."

Looking over, she found she recognized the two figures passing by. One was drenched in only a tanktop with his coat bunched in his arms, but the other at least had a small raincoat on her small form.



Lighting up, Miyumi ran right up to them. "Hiyori! Tohru!"

Hiyori felt the cold water from Miyumi's coat when the young Sohma hugged her around the waist. Considering they only saw Miyumi every other week, Hiyori was surprised to run into her so soon after they got back from their trip. But as for Hatsuharu, she was slightly less surprised to see him.

He was a wanderer. Sometimes they would find him in the most random places. Once last month, Hiyori ran into him outside Uo's apartment building. Just like on the day they met him, he was only there because he'd gotten lost.

Crouching to pull Miyumi's hood over her wet hair, Hiyori blinked at them. "What are you two doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question." Hatusuharu replied. "Why are you out in this rain?"

As Tohru wiped his wet face with a handkerchief, Yuki deadpanned at him. "We're not the ones who are soaked. Did you get lost again? Haru, you know you shouldn't rely on a seven year-old for directions."

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