It's Only a Feeling

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Four Years Ago

"Jeez, you really got the short end of the stick, Kato."

Twelve year old Hiyori blinked at her classmate. "Hm? What makes you say that?"

"Duh, 'cause of the partners our teacher assigned for the group projects." The classmate replied. "Of all the people in our class to get paired with, you got the worst one!"

"Oh -- I wouldn't say that!" She raised her hand in protest. "I-I mean -- "

"Come on, Arisa Uotani never even comes to school. Chances are, you'll end up doing all the work yourself."

Hugging her books to her chest, Hiyori smiled weakly. "I dunno...I mean, just because she doesn't know we're partners doesn't mean she won't do any work..."

The classmate deadpanned at her. "It must be exhausting, trying to stay so optimistic."


"...Huh? Hey, speak of the devil."

Following her gaze, Hiyori spotted the very blonde they were talking about.

Arisa Uotani was a tall girl who always wore a mask and a long skirt. She kept her sleeves rolled up, and she never said a word to anyone. Part of that was because she didn't seem to get along with anyone at school, but part of it was also because she was almost never at school.

Hiyori had spoken to Uotani exactly once. It was on the first day of class, when she noticed Uotani didn't have a pencil. She offered to lend one, but Uotani brushed her off saying she didn't need one. That was it.

"Well," Her classmate patted her shoulder. "You're gonna go, talk to her, aren't you? Good luck."

Sweatdropping, Hiyori watched her go. "Um...thank you..." She exhaled before turning to walk up to the tall blonde. "U-Um...Miss Uotani?"

"Hm?" Leaning back against the wall, Uotani glanced at her.

"Hi. Uh," She bowed. "I dunno if you remember me, but I'm Hiyori Kato!"

"Uh...Okay? So what?"

"Well, it's about the group project we have. You weren't in class when they assigned it to us, so I'm not sure if you know, but you and I are partners! I already started, but...well, I thought I should -- "

"Seriously? You're bugging me about some project?" Uotani pushed off the wall. "Do I look like I care?"

Hiyori faltered. "O-Oh, um...I -- "

"You said you got started on it already, right?" Hiyori was left to watch her leave. "Then you shouldn't have much trouble finishing it on your own."

"...Oh..." Standing there, Hiyori was almost speechless. "U-Um...okay..."


Hiyori wasn't the biggest fan of pool days. Swimming was fun, but her swimsuit situation was...not fun.

She wore the same swimsuit that she had worn since middle school. While it was embarrassing to be one of the only two who still wore it, she was more concerned with the size. It was, after all, a bit tight; it made sense that she would grow since their middle school days. Her hair and legs were longer and she filled out a little more. Her swimsuit just didn't fit like it used to.

...But so long as it still fit enough, what was the point of buying a new one?

Lighting up, Hiyori beamed victoriously. "Oh, yay! I knew I'd have one in here!"

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