I...Don't See How We Could

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With the end of winter break came the start of the third term. Hiyori wasn't the type to favor the winter season; she never had been a fan of chilly winds and grey skies. But, surprisingly enough, she didn't mind it now. This New Year, the cold was the furthest thing from her mind.

After they paid for their groceries, she and Tohru left the store with three full bags and a box of toilet paper. They smiled as they stepped outside to rejoin their awaiting friends, but they should have known that leaving the boys without a mediator for too long was a recipe for disaster.

Tohru smiled. "Thanks for waiting -- " 

"I'm sick of your smug face!" Kyo glared. "Let's take this outside!"

Yuki deadpanned. "We're already outside, you idiot."

As Kyo growled, Hiyori sweatdropped. Tohru watched them nervously. "Um, you guys..?"

"Miss Honda, Miss Kato, thank you for doing the shopping." Disregarding Kyo, Yuki took one bag from each of them. "Here."

Hiyori smiled weakly. "Sorry, there's so much. We may have bought a little too many groceries, so they're kinda heavy."

"It's no trouble." Smiling, he turned away to start the journey home. "Why don't you try making yourself useful for once, dumb cat?"

Kyo snapped around. "Watch who you're calling dumb! Gimme those, I'll carry both of 'em!"

Storming after Yuki, who snatched one of the heavy plastic bags. Yuki didn't even bother trying to stop him. "Sure you can handle it?"

"You're the one who told me to carry it!"

Tohru and Hiyori were left to stare after the boys. They shared a glance before rushing to catch up with the arguing duo.

Although...Hiyori wasn't even sure if it was an argument. Of course, she'd noticed that they were getting along much worse than they used to, but their antics were still just as they'd always been. Kyo was still the only one shouting and Yuki was cool and collected as ever.

Following behind them, she glanced back and forth between them. Then she sighed. 'I'm starting to realize that there's no point in trying to stop them...'

"I still don't understand why I have to waste my time running an errand with you of all people!" Kyo glared at Yuki.

"You could have stayed home." Yuki sighed.

"You should've stayed home!"

Finally, Yuki stopped to send him a cool glare. "Will you do us all a favor, and just shut up already?"

Smirking, Kyo stopped, too. When he dropped the bag to raise both fists, Hiyori and Tohru yelped.

'Oh, no,' Hiyori eyed the fallen bag in despair. 'I think the eggs were in there...'

"Wait!" Tohru pleaded. "Please, can we just talk this out?"

"If you want me to stop talkin', you're gonna have to make me, pretty boy -- "

Their bunch of chives was shoved into his mouth. Hiyori had to admit; it was the most effective technique Yuki could have possibly used. Dropping to crouch on the ground, Kyo gagged weakly. 

Hiyori sweatdropped. "Ah -- not chives!"

"Poor thing!" Tohru fretted. "Are you going to be okay..?"

Yuki turned away in disinterest. "That should keep him quiet for a while, at least."


"All done!" Shigure returned to the living room with a towel on his head. "Who wants the next turn? Yuki, bath time!"

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