Maybe One Day...

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"May's coming up in a few weeks! Will any of these be ready to harvest soon?"

Since that day, not much had happened. Hiyori couldn't help noticing how well Yuki was doing; you wouldn't even know that Akito had scared him so much.

Needless to say, it was a good thing. Hiyori was glad to know her friend was okay.

Now that the weather was slowly transitioning to Spring, they were able to spend a little more time outside. Hiyori always liked helping Yuki with his garden. Even if it wasn't very traditional, she found it to be a very cool "secret base". She was honored that Yuki trusted her enough to lend a hand.

Yuki glanced up in thought from beside her. "Carrots, turnips, chives...Strawberries, too."

Hiyori lit up. "Really?! Yay, I bet they'll be so delicious! We could make some strawberry cake -- or fruit sandwiches!" She beamed. "I can't wait! I'm really looking forward to it!"

He smiled softly at her. "So am I."

Tohru giggled. Then, when she sneezed, they both perked in concern.

"You feeling okay?"

Shivering, she rubbed her arms. "Oh, I'm fine. A little bit chilly, that's all. It's colder than usual for April."

"In that case, why don't you go back home to warm up inside?" Hiyori suggested. "I can help Yuki finish up whatever's left to do."

"Huh? But..."

Yuki's stomach growled loud enough for them to hear. "...Besides, I'm a little hungry, too."

They giggled. Tohru stood up. "Well, in that case, I'll let you two wrap things up out here. But I'll get cooking once I'm there."

"Great, thank you." Yuki smiled.

"Thanks, Tohru!"

As she left, Hiyori turned back to Yuki with a grin. "Ah, I can't stop thinking about how excited I am for the strawberries!"

Yuki chuckled. "I'm glad. I just hope they'll live up to your expectations."

"Oh, I'm sure they will! After all, the secrets to growing perfect vegetables are love and patience!"

He smiled. "I think that's the secret to cooking."

Hiyori paused. "...Well, I-I bet it applies to gardening, too!"

"I'm sure."

"So, just tell me what to do!"

"Well," He grabbed the spade. "I just have to -- "

A scream pierced the air. A scream they both recognized.

Hiyori shot to her feet. "Tohru!"

"Miss Honda!" Yuki followed her when she took off without a thought. They found Tohru not too far up the path, tense, crouched on the ground, and whimpering. In front of her was a pile of clothes.

"Tohru, what is it?!" Hiyori ran straight to her cousin's side. "Are you okay?!"

Yuki followed again."We heard you scream! What's wrong?!"

Stammering, Tohru struggled to get out a response. "Th...Th-Th-Th..."

Hiyori crouched beside her. "Tohru?"

"There's something under my clothes!"


Hiyori swore she heard a slight hissing noise before Tohru squealed. Then, she blanched when something long and white slithered from the neck of Tohru's shirt. Sticking out straight, it wiggled as they all stared at it in silence.

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