She'd been waiting a long time for this day. Of course, for a seven year old, any time spent waiting seemed like a long time. But eight months really was very long.
And yet, here they were, making her wait. In a tree, no less. Sitting back at the house was boring, so she thought she would come out to the forest to meet them halfway. Why were they taking so much time getting home? She doubted any of them had better things to do.
"Bored, bored, bored~..." She puffed her cheeks.
"One of these days, I swear, I'm gonna kick your ass!"
She perked.
"Hang on, I think I've heard that one before." The calmer, cooler voice replied. "You say it so often, I have to wonder if you really mean it."
"Of course I mean it! You're gonna eat those words, you damn rat!"
"You're running out of threats, aren't you, stupid cat?"
Grinning from ear to ear, she rose to her feet on the tree branch. Once she was standing, she could see them coming up the stairs. And even better, all four of them were there; Kyo, Yuki, and the two girls between them. She vaguely remembered those two from when she saw them back home, but she hadn't seen Yuki since he moved away from the estate. And as for must have been about a year now.
They didn't see her -- not that she expected them to. It was why she'd been waiting in the trees in the first place.
Reaching into the pocket of her uniform skirt, she took out one of the rocks she'd collected. Kyo was still shouting at Yuki. Yuki was still ignoring Kyo. The girl with brown eyes was trying to diffuse the chaos. The girl with blue eyes seemed to have given up.
It was time to make things more fun.
Squinting, she tilted her head a little. Then she got in position.
Kyo never saw it coming; the rock flew straight at the side of his head. He yelped out loud and staggered a bit to the side.
The girls paused to look at him. "Huh?"
"What the hell was that?!" Kyo whirled on Yuki with another glare. "If you wanna start something just say it, you dirty rodent!"
Yuki eyed him boredly. "What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb! You threw something at my head!"
Hiyori blinked. "Um...I didn't see him throw anything, Kyo..."
"Don't you think you would have seen that?" Yuki questioned rhetorically. When Kyo just blanched, he sighed. "Honestly, do you even have a brain in that head of yours?"
"Shut up!"
"B-But, uh -- you said something hit you?" The blue-eyed one cut in again.
He sighed. "Yeah, it was pretty hard. Felt like a rock or something."
"A rock?!" Tohru gasped. "Are you okay?!"
"Of course I'm okay! I'm not so weak that -- "
Another rock hit his head in the exact same spot. As he yelped again, the girls bristled. "Ah!"
"Ow! Dammit -- what's going on?!"
"Seems like they're only targeting you." Yuki observed. "Maybe it's a sign you should shut up."
"Maybe I should shut you up! No one asked you!"
"You asked what was going on."
The brown-eyed one watched Kyo in concern. "That looked painful, Kyo! Are you okay?"

𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕥 || 𝕂𝕪𝕠 𝕊𝕠𝕙𝕞𝕒
Fanfiction"Some people believe that seeing a butterfly is supposed to remind you that your deceased loved ones are still watching over you." In which a girl with reoccurring dreams finds a new home, some new friends, and some memories that she was supposed to...