We're Home Now

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Today was a rainy day. They were only a few days into June, but the sky was already pouring down to start off the rainiest month of the year. They had to bring umbrellas to school to avoid being drenched on their walks.

"So, the make-up tests went well?" Yuki smiled as they waited for the crosswalk light to change. "I'm happy you don't have to worry anymore."

"It's probably because we had so much help from you!" Tohru replied.

Hiyori grinned. "I definitely felt way more confident this time! Oh, and Hana-chan actually passed all her tests, too!"

"Huh?" He blinked. "I guess she was right..."

The make-up test was easier, as assumed." Hana smiled to herself.

Looking up from her own passing grades, Hiyori blinked at her friend with a dumbfounded stare. "...Hana-chan..?"

"Hold up," Uo squinted. "Did you fail on purpose?"

She never did answer that question. And with Hana, there really was no telling.

Tohru glanced up at the cloudy sky. "It's starting to come down pretty hard."

"Yeah..." Hiyori sighed. "This really stinks. The laundry's gonna start piling up..."

"I wouldn't worry too much. The report earlier said it should let up a little in the afternoon." Yuki recalled.

"Oh, good!" Tohru smiled. "Maybe the weather will be kind to us. It would be so nice if the summer sun decided to come out. That'd dry us off!"

"Good luck...So, you must be big fans of summer."

Hiyori lit up. "Mm-hm! I love it a lot more now than I used to, anyway! After all, we get more free time once we're off of school!" She turned to Tohru. "And that means..."

They high-fived. "More time to work~!"

Such an in-character response had Yuki smiling and chuckling at them,

"What about you, Yuki?" Tohru asked. "Do you like the season?"

"Mm...Well, it's not my favorite." He admitted.

When the crosswalk light changed, it beeped to get their attention. As they stepped out onto the road, Tohru smiled. "I can understand that."

"And you, Kyo?" Hiyori glanced to her right. "What do you think of sum..?"

He wasn't there. Blinking, Hiyori glanced around cluelessly until she spotted him still on the sidewalk behind them. His head was down and his eyes were shut; he didn't seem to have even noticed their absence.

"Kyo? Aren't you coming?"

"Hm?" He looked up. "Sure, whatever."

They watched him catch up slowly. But his head was down and he was dragging his feet. Now that Hiyori thought about it, he'd been particularly quiet since they began their walk home. She hadn't thought much of it because he wasn't usually very chatty, but now, seeing him like this...

Tohru watched him. "Um, Kyo, your face....A-Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

Hiyori gasped. "Oh my gosh, maybe you caught my cold! I'm so sorry, I -- "

"Don't worry." Yuki stopped her. "This isn't your fault. It's just...he gets kind of sluggish every time it rains." Hiyori glanced from him to Kyo's back again. "That's what Haru told me."

"Oh..." Tohru blinked. "Maybe that's why he seems like he's been in a bad mood lately..."

It was true. Just last night, Kyo went to bed early. And when Tohru saw him and bid him goodnight, his only response had been a "Hm".

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