I Won't Give Up

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They didn't get home until the sky was dark. Calling an end to their trip and saying goodbye to everyone was an emotional event, but Hiyori was also eager to return home.

And she was also antsy with the anticipation of her goal.

"My, my," Leading them to the living room doors, Shigure glanced over his shoulder. "It seems to me that you boys have grown taller over the course of the summer."

"You think so?" Yuki blinked. "I haven't really noticed."

"I think you're right, Shigure." Hiyori grinned. "Their school uniforms might not even fit them anymore!"

"You know, maybe we didn't grow at all." Kyo held his hand a few inches over her head. "Are you sure you didn't just shrink?"

She flinched. "N-No way! That's not possible...is it?"

When Kyo just shrugged, she puffed her cheeks. Shigure chuckled. "Well, anyways, home sweet home!" He turned to open the doors. "As fun as that was, there's no place like it, right?"

"My sentiments exactly!"

Yuki and Kyo froze. Tohru and Hiyori blinked.

The light in the living room was already on. Sitting there was none other than Ayame. The table in front of him was covered with bento boxes, drink cans, newspapers, and other food wrappers. And it wasn't just the table; the entire room had trash and empty wine bottles scattered all over the floor.

He smiled at them. "You must all be fatigued from your long journey! Come, rest! Relax and make yourselves at home, intrepid travelers!"

Yuki and Kyo stared in displeasure. "..."

Tohru smiled at him. "What a surprise! It's so nice to see you, Ayame!"

"Ah, sweet Tohru and Hiyori!" He raised a hand. "How was your little trip? An enlightening experience?"

"Hey!" Kyo glared. "Wait a second! How the hell did you even get into the house?!"

"Now, Kyo, take it easy." Shigure set a hand on his shoulder. "Aaya was kind enough to house-sit for us while we were gone."

As the girls got to tidying up on their own, Ayame calmly fanned himself. "Is that the story we're going with..?"

"House sitting?" Yuki deadpanned. "Right...you forgot to lock up, didn't you?"

Flinching, Shigure smiled in defeat. "Guilty as charged."

"And what would you have done if we came home to find the house cleaned out?"

His brother raised a finger. "Exactly! That would have been serious! I'm sure a burglar would have read the love poems Kyon-Kichi keeps in his diary!"

Kyo flushed red. "Like hell, I'd write something like that!"

"Anyway, why did you miss out on all the fun, Aaya?"

"Summer is the season of romance, and my shop was simply swamped with orders."

"Don't ignore me, dammit!"

"Hm? Were you wanting to order a maid's uniform too, Kyon-Kichi?"

"Hell no!"

"Don't worry about the price; I'd be glad to offer you a student discount."

Piling empty cans and bottles onto a tray, Hiyori caught a glimpse of the time from the clock on the table. It was already past 8:00.


She turned. "Hey, Shigure? Do you mind if I make a quick phone call?"

"Not at all." Shigure smiled. "Go ahead."

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