1. Dada's Angel

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You are my life, my whole world

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You are my life, my whole world.
Dada loves you baby

Jungkook's home
Jungkook pov

"Jungsun-ah~ wake up! It's already 7:30 a.m. " I said while shaking his little shoulder. My angel was sleeping peacefully in the bed, unwilling to even budge a bit.

"Baby, dada has to go to the clinic. See, Minnie has also woken up. Shall I feed him with your favourite sandwiches?"

Again, he didn't move at all. So I continued.

"Minnie just told me that he's very hungry and he's gonna eat up all the sandwiches. I think Minnie can eat it all because his friend isn't going to wake up. I'm going to the kitchen with him!"

Whenever Jungsun isn't in a mood to wake up, just tell him about his teddy, Minnie eating up his food. He always ends up getting out of the bed at the speed of lightening. This trick can never fail.

"NO! Dada makes wichie' for jungsoo! Minnie only eat veg.. umm... VETEGABAL!" my baby shouted with his eyes still half-closed. I couldn't help but chuckle at his cute talks. I didn't even feel like correcting his pronunciation sometimes as I always used to find it very adorable.

"Aww! I won't let Minnie finish up my baby's favourite food" I said, rubbing his little nose against mine.

"Yoo sure?"

"Yes! Let's get ready before having breakfast, okay? Then we'll go to Jinnie uncle."

Having said that, I carried him on my hip and moved to the washroom.

In washroom

I was drying up Jungsun's hair when he spoke, "Dada?"


"Will yoo bwing ice-ceem for Jungsoo today?"

"Baby, you know that you can have an ice-cream only on sundays, right?"

Just like any other child, Jungsun also loved treats. Because of his weak immune system and anaemic conditions, I couldn't help but limit his junk food intake as much as possible.

He would see his friends at the daycare center having all kinds of snacks and tell me that he also wanted to have them, but I had always found myself helpless in that case.

"Me wann' haf ice-ceem! Or me wun' take 'icky candy!" he cried.

He looked really upset. In an attempt to make him understand, I said, "Honeybun, you know what happens when you eat too much ice-cream, right?" I said, reminding him of the time he got really sick.

"N-no.." he mumbled, trailing off at the thought of sickness. The child wasn't oblivious to his health conditions. Unhappy about the fact that he can't have any snacks, he started mewling softly.

"Shhh... Jungsun~ You are a good boy, right? Dada will buy the tastiest ice-cream for his baby next week, okay? Now don't cry... Shhh...." I cooed, leaning his head on my shoulder. After cradling him in my arms for a few moments, he stopped crying.

"Now let's get ready, hm? Jinnie and joonie uncle must be waiting for their favourite boy! " I said excitedly to lighten up his mood.

"Ok" he nodded his head in agreement.

"That's like a good boy."

Wrapping him in his towel, I went to the bedroom to dress him up.

Time skip

We were ready till 8:30 a.m. I was feeding Jungsun with some sandwiches while he was sipping on milk in a superman themed sippy cup.

"Is it tasty?"

"Yesss!" he exclaimed, munching on the sandwiches joyfully.

"Let's take the colourful candy quickly and then we are all set to go."

"NOOOO!! I don't want 'icky candy!" he cried.

I knew that a tantrum would come. He used to take his medicine without any problem till the day Taehyung told him that they were actually medicines. It was just a slip of tongue but Jungsun got his reason to throw tantrums over it.

Jungsun developed IBS when he turned 1. Even the slightest amount of unhealthy eatables used to trigger his condition. Because of that, he had ended up in the hospital a lot of times in the past.

His IBS worsened the last week, so Taehyung put him on preventive medication. He'd still have the multivitamin gummy bear, but he had a deep rooted hatred for the pill.

Picking up the gummy bear, I said, "Don't you wanna eat this yum-yum yellow bear? It looks so sweet!"

With a ray of hope, I looked at him to take the medication. But he snatched the white pill from the table and threw it away in annoyance.

"NO! I dun' wan it! This is 'icky!" he yelled, shaking his head violently.

Frowning at the sudden outburst, I pulled out the phone from my pocket and pretended to dail a number saying, "Okay then, let me call taehyung uncle and tell him to give you a shot."

Hearing out my words, Jungsun panicked and apologized immediately.

"No! No! I'm sowwy dada! I'll take 'icky candy. But pwease don't call uncwle. Jungsoo dunn' wann' b-booboo." He was almost on the verge of tears.

"Only if you have them like a good boy."

Placing the phone on dining table, I grabbed the gummy bear and medicine and put it in his mouth one by one.

"Yuckie!" he cried, scrunching up his nose when the bitter taste of the pill hit the back of his throat.

"It's okay baby~ See, you ate up all your candies like a good boy. Now I won't call uncle, okay?" I said, pecking his forehead softly.

Love and patience were always the basis of parenting for me but sometimes I used to find it necessary to be a little strict.

Jungsun had a love-hate relationship with Taehyung. As an uncle, he was the best but as a doctor, my baby didn't even like me.

"Let's go to Jinnie uncle!" I exclaimed while tying his shoelaces.

"Yes dada!"

I grabbed his tiffin and water bottle. With his tiny hand wrapped around my index finger, we left for his daycare center.


Medical References:

1. IBS- Irritable bowel syndrome.
There's no specific cause or cure. This condition can't be cured but it can definitely be controlled by taking healthy diet and exercise. In some, it leads to diarrhoea while in others, it can cause constipation. These conditions can even alternate with one another.

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