14. Coffee And Cookies

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Tomowow ish sunday

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Tomowow ish sunday. Jungsoo
wann' choco cookie!

Warning: Mention of needles.

A week later
Miso pov

It was the day of Areum's last appointment. Going through the sickening side effects of those painful shots was tortuous, but according to the doctor, her body was responding to the treatment quite well.

On top of that, I was tired of bringing the lollipop boxes. It was so embarrassing for me to sit outside in the waiting area amongst the patients with those big brown boxes.

Thankfully, the last day had come.

"Choi Areum."

As the nurse called her name, we went inside the cabin. I closed the door behind me and saw Dr. Jeon busy writing something on a report. With his hairs tied in a manbun, he was wearing an all-black outfit with the white coat on top.

His intimidating yet charming aura was undeniably attractive though.

Jungkook pov

My whole concentration was on an intricate MRI scan when something dropped on my desk with a loud thud, almost making me jump on my seat.

"Gosh, what's-"

"Good morning doc!" Miso greeted with a forced smile, trying her best not to show how annoyed she was because of the candy boxes.

Holding back my laugher, I beamed saying, "Good morning, please take a seat."

When the nurse kept the boxes in the cupboard, I saw Areum hiding behind the stool while Miso was trying to make her sit in her lap.

"What happened?" I asked to ensure if everything was fine.

Before she could answer, Areum started sobbing. The lady tried carrying the child by her armpits, but she moved back and cried even louder.

She kept asking what was wrong, but Areum didn't say anything. When Miso tried wiping off her tears, she pushed her hands away as in she was upset with her mother.

Usually I'd wait for the parents to calm down their child, but in her case, the wait seemed endless. So I had to step in for her help.

I let out a sigh before standing up from my chair and went near Areum. Crouching down till her level, I maintained some distance to avoid making the already frightened child more uncomfortable.

Though she continued wailing, but didn't move back. I stretched out my hand to wipe off her tears and patted her head gently. To my surprise, she didn't prevent me from consoling her.

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