7. Tteokbokki (Spicy Rice Cakes)

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Dada says I can't haf yum-yum~Jungsun

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Dada says I can't haf yum-yum

Warning: mentions of vomiting and diarrhoea

Funland amusement park
Jin pov

It was already 2 pm. The children were having a lot of fun. The enjoyable rides and waterparks were amazing.

Though I was afraid to send Jungsun to the pool, but as the weather was warm, I allowed him to play there for some time.

Then it was the time for lunch. Children wanted to have tteokbokki, so we bought it for them.

Jungkook had already packed food for Jungsun. I went to the mini van in the parking area to collect his tiffin while Mr. Choi looked after the kids.

Author pov

"Is tteokbokki tasty?" Mr. Choi asked the children.

"YES!" all children shouted in unison, except Jungsun. With misty eyes, he sat in a corner, sucking his thumb whilst waiting for his teacher.

Minji, his dearest friend noticed that he was sad for some reason. So she offered him her food.

"Jungsoo, yoo can haf my tto'kki" she said with a smile.

"No... Dada says I can't haf yum-yum.."

"But yoo can take one bite" she said, raising her index finger.

One bit won't hurt, right? He won't tell anything to his dad and he'll also enjoy the food!

Mr. Choi was at a nearby stall buying cold drinks with 3 other children when Jungsun ate tteokbokki from his friend.

"Ish yum? "

"Hmm~ Ish yumm!"

"Yoo can haf mowe. "


Jungsun had almost eaten half of the plate when Jin arrived. No sooner did he see him having tteokbokki than he took the bowl away.

"Jungsun, you are not supposed to eat that. Dada has told you not to eat anything from outside, right?"

"But... I on'y took a bite.." he said with an innocent face.

"It's okay. See, I've got your tiffin. Let's eat it first, yeah?"


Jin pov

The way Jungsun was reluctantly shoving the food in his mouth, he didn't look hungry at all. Maybe he wanted to have tteokbokki. But I couldn't put his health on risk.

"Finish your food like a good boy Jungsun! You are a good boy, right?" I cooed, placing a spoon of rice in front of his mouth.

"Don' wann'! " he shook his head.

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