12. Areum's Checkup

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Doctow uncwle

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Doctow uncwle... Ith huwts
a lot when I pee

Jungkook pov

"Umm.... What did you say?" I asked in a baffled tone.

She was hesitant to repeat her words. But still, she asked, "Can you... check my daughter? She's been very sick lately."

"Sure! You can get an appointment for tomorrow. My shift is going to be over in half an hour and I still have some patients left."

"Please doctor Jeon... I'd be really thankful to you if you can do it today... Please..." she begged with a ray of hope in her eyes.

Due to the seriousness in her voice, I let out a sigh before crouching down to her daughter's height to take a closer look at her. The child took a small step back, holding onto her mother's leg tightly.

To make her feel safe, I patted her head and smiled. The child was clearly underweight, barely able to support her own fragile body. Paleness of her skin was also worrisome.

Jungsun was already with me and I had nothing much to do at home. As the little girl seemed to need immediate medical attention, I decided to check her on that very day. 

I stood up in front of the lady and said, "Okay so... I'll check your daughter today... You can wait here for your turn."

"Thankyou so much.. "

Time skip

Usually Jungsun would hop around my cabin and ask about the medical instruments I had in there. But today he was too tired to do anything, so he was sleeping quietly on a chair with the pacifier in his mouth, making it easier for me to wind up the work.

After a couple of appointments, it was the time for the last one.

"Nurse Jiah, please call the next patient."

"Yes doctor."

The young lady entered my cabin with her sick daughter in her arms. Just like most of the patients, she had her face hidden in her mom's neck, scared to be at a weird place with nauseating smell of medicines.

"Please be seated."

"Thank you" she said, sitting on the chair beside me with the child in her lap. The baby didn't dare to look in my direction and kept a firm hold on the lady's top.

"Hey! What's your name?" I asked, caressing her head.

In the same position, I could hear her mumble 'Aleum'.

"You have such a beautiful name! No need to be scared at all, okay? I'm not gonna hurt you" I patted her head and smiled. Then I asked the lady about her health.

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