19. Will You Trust Me?

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I can never think of saying those words about you~Jungkook

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I can never think of saying those
words about you

Jungkook pov

"Do whatever you want..." she muttered, breaking the eye contact.

"Can you give me my kit?" I asked politely.

"Hmm" she said, nodding slightly.

Miso handed over the kit to me. While searching for a pedialyte sachet, I asked, "Do you use a feeding bottle for her?"

"Yeah, sometimes. I usually go for sippers."

"Alright , just add this in 250 ml of water. I'll feed her with bottle" I said, passing the orange flavoured sachet to her.

"Okay..." she left the room.

After sometime she returned with the bottle in her hand.

"Here, take this."

Positioning Areum in my lap carefully, I placed my hand behind her head. When I tapped the nipple against her lips gently, she readily started sucking the solution out of it. Miso stood in front of us with her arms crossed, lost in a her own world.

"Are you gonna stand like this for the whole night?" I asked, looking towards the chair beside me, gesturing her to sit there.

She huffed and walked out of the room. Shrugging nonchalantly, I shifted my gaze towards Areum sucking the liquid with her eyes closed.

She feels exactly like Jungsun in my arms, I thought.

A fatherly instinct was hitting me really hard.

"Get well soon angel" I smiled, pecking her forehead.

Miso stomped inside the room with two coffee mugs in her hands. Sitting on the same chair, she placed one cup on the nightstand.

"Are you gonna gulp down both the cups?" I asked, hoping to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Why did you lie to me Dr. Jeon?" she asked bluntly, getting straight to the maim topic.

With a deep sigh, I nodded in a way of telling her that I was ready to explain my actions. Before commencing the talk, I checked if Areum had finished the solution. She had emptied bottle, so I pulled it out of her mouth and made her lie on my chest again.

Then I turned to Miso. Again, our eyes were locked. There was a stifling silence in the room. The fire of hurt burning inside those fatigued eyes was melting the ice of guilt in mine, turning it into a puddle of water.

Hesitantly, I asked, "Will you... trust my words?"

With a pause, she murmured, "I wish I can..."

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