5. Your Hyung Is With You

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Hyungie is here with you

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Hyungie is here with you. You are never gonna be alone

Jungkook's home
Jungkook pov

I went back home the following evening. I hadn't informed my family about the adoption on phone because I wanted to have a face to face conversation.

As expected, when I confronted them, they were totally against it. It was my foolishness to hope for acceptance, because it ended up in the most hurtful way possible.

"But why mom? Why can't I adopt him? What's wrong in giving a better life to a homeless infant?" I asked my mom.

My dad was also sitting beside her, saying nothing. His eyes had already disapproved my decision, leaving no room for any explanation.

"Are you out of your mind? Did you think about about your family or Ahyeong before adopting that
swine?! "

Ahyeong was my fiancé. I hadn't  discussed anything with her as well.

"Yeah, I... I'm about to call her. She will surely support me no matter what.."

"That's of no use now. She has already said that if you want to marry her, you have to leave that child. So you better come to your senses and stop ruining your whole career and life!"

"No...I can't..... Please try to understand... What-"

"If you want to live with your family and fiancé, then you have to leave that child" she lashed out at me.

"Live..? What are you-"

"Yeah! L-I-V-E! But if you can't leave him, the doors are open for you. I'm not gonna keep that swine in my house! DO YOU GET THAT?"

Her anger escalated even more. She stood up from the couch and came closer to my chair. I didn't dare to look into her eyes.

Glaring straight into my soul, she yelled,"SPEAK UP!"

"Okay then.." I said, dragging my feet into the room. I packed my bags and moved out of the house.

My parent's eyes followed me till the main door however, nobody tried to stop me. Well, they had a genuine reason for it.

I took a cab to hospital. I phoned Ahyeong several times, but she didn't pick up. After sometime, she sent me a text message.

-Have you left the child in the orphanage?

                     - I'm really sorry for   
        not taking your consent
before adoption but I can 
explain everything to you.

-Don't waste my time and
tell me if you have left
the child or not.


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