17. Caught In A Lie

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Mama will make sure to find a better home for us~Miso

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Mama will make sure to
find a better home for us

After a week
Jungkook's pov

"Good morning doc" Miso said, sitting on the stool beside me with Areum on her lap. She was holding a brown file in her hand which I assumed as Areum's new reports.

"Good morning. How is Areum now?" I asked, smiling at the baby.

"Yeah, she's doing well. But... she's lost a lot of weight since the onset of the sickness which seems worrisome to me" she said. No doubt, the prolonged sickness, initial misdiagnosis and strong medicines had rendered her body pale and infirm.

"The weight loss is normal in such cases. What kind of milk powder do you use?"

"I use a normal one."

"Alright, I'm gonna prescribe another one for her. It'll help her gain weight and strengthen immunity" I said, scrawling it on her prescription.

"Have you got the tests done?"

"Yes. Here are the reports" she said, passing over the brown file to me. Taking the file, I checked the results thoroughly.

"The infection has been cured... But mineral levels are dangerously low... Increase her water intake and give ORS daily... If she faces any problems, come straight to the clinic... " I explained, giving the file back to her.

"Okay.. I'll take care of it. Umm... I've a question to ask... " she said in a  nervous tone, as if she didn't want to talk about the matter during my working hours.

"Yeah... Sure" I said, turning my chair to face her. Resting my left arm on the desk, I waited patiently for her to speak.

"Well... The new landlord is your... friend, right?"

"Jin hyung? Yeah he's a really good friend of mine" I said. On the inside, I was too timid to hear out the next sentence. The constant fake smile helped me cover it up.

"Can I get his phone number? I just... I just want to confirm if he's going to let us stay there or not... I trust you in this regard but... you know..." she trailed off, thinking that I might get offended.

"No, no! Please don't say that... You should get all your doubts cleared. I'll send you the number today itself" I said with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, thankyou so much for your help. I'll see you later" she bowed and left. When the door closed behind me, I sighed in relief.

I felt like a fish who escaped a fishing net, oblivious of the fact that a bigger one was still on the way.

Time skip
Landlord's house
Jungkook pov

"Dr. Jeon Jungkook, am I right?" Miso's ex-boyfriend Juwon asked, passing the contract papers to me.

"Yes" I said, signing the deal.

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