4. I Name Him Jeon Jungsun

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Angel, I'll protect you

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Angel, I'll protect you. I'll be your dad. Don't be scared, hm?


"W... What?"

She gasped, realising what she had actually said. In no time she started apologising for it.

"I'm s-sorry for w-whatsoever I just s-said. J-just forget i....j-just forget w-what I s-said... I'm sorry.."

I had no courage to carry on the conversation further. The wished to disappear in thin air so that nobody could see my pathetic self.

"O-okay.. May I... May I take y-your leave n-now?"

"I-I'm... I'm really... sorry..."

It was getting too much for me to bear. Unable to look at her, I bolted out of the ward. I could hear Dr. Yeongji and Taehyung calling out my name from behind. But I had no guts to face them.

Taehyung knew where I was going. And he was right. He followed me to the NICU.

I stopped by the ward, advancing my trembling steps towards the poor infant's ventilator. He was sleeping peacefully, oblivious of what his parents were doing to him.

I was crying silently until I felt a hand squeezing my left shoulder. That was the moment I knew I won't be able to hold it any longer.

I dropped down on my knees, trying to make no sound while crying my heart out. With my hands covering my mouth, I sat there for quite a while.

Taehyung must have found himself totally helpless. He hid my face in his chest, shushing down my bleeding heart.

I could hear him console me in his deep shaky voice.

"Shh... I-l know it hurts.. a l-lot..."

In his embrace, I cried endlessly. It actually helped me streamline my thoughts. Cross questioning myself over and again, I came to a conclusion.

With all of my courage, I broke the hug slowly. I looked into Taehyung's eyes, ready to declare what I intended to do.


"Yeah... "

I looked on the white floor. Standing up on my unsteady feet, I fixed my gaze on the sleeping baby. I could feel Taehyung standing behind me, waiting for me to speak.

And so, I said.

"I... I-I'll take care of this child.. I will g-give him my name...
His name will be.... Jungsun
Jeon Jungsun"

Having said that, I knew I'd never take my words back, even if my life was shattering.

Unknowingly, I exchanged my fate with the infant.

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