21. Love Scares Me

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Can I think of being in love with anyone? ~Jungkook

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Can I think of being in love with anyone?


"I'm not sure if you should go, kook. This will only hurt you... you know that, right?" Taehyung said while driving the car.

"I know hyung. But this heart... It always belonged to her. It was my mistake to not take her consent before adoption. I wanna apologise... I've a feeling that I'll be forgiven" I mumbled, faking confidence.

Her light brown locks covering her temple was always a fascinating view for me. I proposed the girl in middle school. To my surprise, she happily accepted me.

Spending some of the most beautiful moments with her, I had never thought of a future without her. You would think it as a cliché love story. Well yeah, it was true until that fateful day.

That was the day I saw her for the last time.

After 15 minutes, Taehyung stopped the car in front of Ahyeong's house, which was once my second home.

"Kook, are you sure you wanna go?" he asked. He didn't want me to get hurt again.

"I'll be back soon" I said, opening the car door.

When I entered the garden area, I saw flower decorations everywhere around the house. I could hear a lot of people laughing and talking inside. With every step towards the door, the sounds were getting clearer and my legs, weaker.

I rang the doorbell twice, still determined to see her. When her mother opened the door halfway, I could see Ahyeong running towards us.

Excitedly, she said, "Mom! Aren't these earrings beautiful? Hangyeol wants me to wear these tomorrow."

She didn't even notice me until she got no reply from her mother. Opening the door completely, we stood there, face to face.

No trace of smile or tears was detectable. There were no crinkles of happiness by her eyes. Guests didn't bother to ask who was at the door. They were all busy in other things.

"Get out of my face, Jungkook" she blurted out in a low voice, not wanting to create any drama.

"I'll go bu-"

Before I could speak further, she stretched her right hand out, showing the heart shaped diamond ring twinkling in her ring finger.

"Get out now."

I ended up experiencing the most painful moment also with her, or maybe, without her. Shutting the door behind me, she moved on.

That day onwards, Jungsun became the one and only reason for me being alive.

Present time
Taehyung pov

I was driving to clinic with Jungkook contemplating over something while staring outside the window.

Coughing to gain his attention, I spoke, "Isn't Dr. Jeon thinking too much about Areum's mom?!"

He was caught off guard by my words. In his defence, he stuttered, "Hyung! N-no! You're just.... making up stories on your own...."

With a smirk, I replied, "Ah! That's why your chest was on full display in-"

Utterly embarrassed by my words, he whined, "HYUNG! T-that was merely an accident.... Stop teasing me for no reason!" and slapped my arm harshly.

"Oww! Tame those hands you muscle pig!" I snapped, rubbing my aching muscle.

Following a few minutes of silence, Jungkook looked out of the window. With a deep breath, he confessed, "I think... I like her."

"Tell me something new."

"Can't you be serious for a single second, hyung?"

Giggling, I said, "Alright, tell me what's on your mind."

Sighing, he said, "Jungsun..."

"He will agree to your marriage. I'll talk to him" I joked, glancing at him from the corner of my eyes.

Waiting for the actual answer, he didn't bother to respond to my corny jokes.

"Well... I can well imagine Jungsun and Areum being happy with their mom and dad. Speaking of both of you, I know you can raise the children alone but..."


"I think... You also deserve to live a happy life.... Loving is no crime."

He hummed, too nervous to say anything further. Therefore, I said, "Kook, this isn't gonna help you. Say whatever you want to. I know something else is holding you."

"A... A-Ahyeong..."

"What.... Ahyeong...?"

"Yeah.... It might sound nonsensical but... After she left, I never thought of falling in love for someone else. I-It's not that I don't like Miso. I'm just too scared to... express my love..." he maffled, still staring at the buildings outside the window while playing with his fingers.

"Don't compare the two, kook. Cuckoo and crow, both are birds but aren't the same. Believing that all birds caw like crows, you'll never be able to appreciate cuckoo's sweet songs."

Nodding, he let out a sad chuckle.

"Let's listen to some music, yeah?" he said, connecting his phone to the bluetooth system.

"Alright but don't make me listen to that T-"

TT! Just like TT~


"Haha.... No! This is your punishment for teasing me! For the next 15 minutes, I'm gonna play it on repeat" he said with an evil laugh.



TT~ I'm like TT~


Jungkook pov

Heartbreak. A chance, often considered as a destructor. Maybe, we just let it destroy the things it isn't supposed to. Rather than lies and misconceptions, we let it break our trust and confidence.

Imagine using a hair drier in place of vaccum cleaner for removing debris from floor. Will it do the job? No, right?

A heartbreak saved me from the relationship I cherished the most. It pulled me out from a fake bond to find the true one, while I was using it to distance myself from my destiny.

Taehyung made me ponder over the wall I created around myself when Ahyeong left. If I was the creator of the unbreakable wall, then I was the only one who could break it.

Mental freedom is a choice, not fate.

And love, it just happens, unknowingly.

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