16. Ready, Set, Property!

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Why the hell are you evendragging me into this? ~Jin

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Why the hell are you even
dragging me into this?

Next day
Jungkook pov

"Doctor, Ms. Miso has arrived with lollipop boxes."

"Yeah, let her in."

Miso came into my cabin and kept the boxes on my desk.

"Here's your order, Dr. Jeon."

"Thank you. By the way...umm.... Can we talk for a minute if you're not in a hurry?" I asked.

"I'm not busy but a bunch of patients are definitely waiting for you in the waiting area" she said, crossing her arms.

"Ah, it'll just take a minute" I said, rubbing my nape.

"Alright. What do you wanna talk about?" she said, tapping her left feet repeatedly on floor.

"Can I... *cough*... Umm... A friend of mine is interested in your shop. He's ready to permit you to continue using the place. So... can you give your husband's phone number so that I.... I mean, my friend can... talk about the deal?" I explained.

Miso's eyes sparkled with a ray of hope. Standing in a straighter position, she asked, "Yeah sure.... I can give you the number but... Are you sure your friend would allow me to run the shop....?"

"Yeah, he'll surely keep his words... " I said with full confidence in my voice.

"Okay then I'll text you his number today itself. Thankyou Dr. Jeon.... We'll talk about this later on.... Bye" she bowed and left.

So a non-existant 'friend' wanted to buy the property. I mentally slapped myself for saying that. I had basically no logical reason to lie to her.

Why Jungkook, just why?

Time skip
Daycare center
Jungkook pov

"Please hyung, only you can help me out with this" I pleaded to Jin hyung.

"You shouldn't have lied to her like that Kook... She'll get to know one day."

"Only for the meantime... please talk to her. I'll clear the things once I takeover the place."


"Please hyung..."

"Ah.... okay then... I'll do it. But you better solve the matter soon" Jin hyung sighed, finally giving in to my constant requests.

I went to the daycare center to pick up Jungsun when this idea popped up in my mind. Jin hyung would be perfect for the role of that 'non-existent' friend, right?
And somehow, he had agreed to it.

"Thanks hyung! I'll send you her number. Bye... " I pulled him in a brotherly hug.

"Let's go dada.... Me ish hungwy!"

"Yeah baby, let's go."

Time skip
Jungkook's home
Jungkook pov

Taehyung and I were having our usual evening conversation when I narrated him the whole property drama that I created. He slapped his forehead saying, "I can't understand why did you lie to her. Anyways, let's call that owner now. Has she sent you the number?"

"Yeah, here it is."

I dialed the number. After a while, a male with a deep husky voice picked up the phone. I talked to him about the details and booked the plot in the name of 'Dr. Jeon Jungkook'. I told him that I wanted to finish the paper work till next week. He happily agreed.

Cutting the call, I turned to Taehyung who had listened to the whole conversation carefully.

"A small loan would do the work. I'll take over the property till next week easily."

Taehyung smiled and tapped my shoulder.

"I know you will handle it well. Currently I'm thinking about Miso's reaction when she'll get to know that you are the new landlord."

"I... Don't kno-"

Before I could complete the sentence, Jungsun's sniffles reached my ears from the drawing room. Giving each other a confused look, we rushed out of the room.

"DADA! " Jungsun ran towards me, hugging my knees. He was bawling his eyes out. Taehyung scooched down and rubbed his back. Ruffling his hair, I asked, "Angel~ Shh.... What happened? Are you hurt somewhere?"

For a moment, he actually scared me.

"D-dada! Minnie ish huwt! Pooh huwt his leg!" he cried.

Glaring at Taehyung, I kept a finger on my lips, signalling him not to laugh too loudly as Jungsun would've cried even more. But him being Taehyung, couldn't hold it for too long, ending up cackling hysterically. Hearing his uncle's laughter, Jungsun broke the hug and started beating the shit out of Taehyung with his little fists.

"Ahhh!!" Taehyung's fake screams started.

"Alright! Alright! Hyungie uncle has received enough punishment. Now let's go and check Minnie, yeah?" I said, taking hold of his little fists.

"I'll bring your kit, doctor!" Taehyung exclaimed, throwing a fist in the air. He went to our bedroom and grabbed Jungsun's doctor playset.

Gosh, not again!

"See dada, he bwoke ish leg!" he sniffled, handing over the torn stuffie to me. Biting his lips to control the laughter, he gave me the kit, earning an annoyed smile from me.

"Here, do you need anything else doctor?"

"Yeah! I need a fresh brain to fit it into your head, hyung" I said, adjusting Jungsun's toy stethoscope in my ears. He huffed, making a pouty face.

"Wha' yoo gunn' do dada?" Jungsun asked. His eyes were still wet.

"No need to worry little bean. I'll just sew him up. Then he'll be okay" I said, assuring that his stuffie wasn't hurt much.

"Hyung, can you bring a white thread and sewing pin from the cupboard?"

"Yes doc!" he said, hopping into the bedroom. I wondered how he managed to be so energetic all the time.

While I was sewing Minnie, Jungsun stood beside me, unable to take his eyes off the torn stuffie.

"All done!" I cut the extra thread from his teddy and handed it over to him. He happily engulfed it into his arms.

Snuggling with Minnie, he shot up his head and said, "Dada!"

"Yes baby?"

"Yoo gif blave babies lolly but yoo didn't gif him any!"

"Here it is!" Taehyung pulled out an orange lollipop from his pocket and gave it to Jungsun.

"Say t'ank yoo" he told Minnie. Then he bowed Minnie's head in a way of thanking Taehyung.

"Aww! You're most welcome sweetie. Now come to Hyungie uncle" Taehyung cooed, making him sit on his lap. Both of them kept blabbering in their baby language.

Who can be more adorable than these two sugarplums?

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