10. Jungsun's Better Now

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I'm clown Jeon Jungkook who works in a circus called 'home'~Jungkook

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I'm clown Jeon Jungkook who
works in a circus called

Warning: mention of rectal procedures (btw it's not anything serious) and very brief mention of blood works.

Same day
8 pm

Taehyung's mom came at 5pm and left after helping him shift the luggage.

He was like a part of our family, so there wasn't a need to occupy the upper floor when the room next to ours was vacant, I suggested. And he wilfully agreed.

Around half past 7, Yoongi, Jimin, Hobi and Namjoon hyung came to our place to ask about Jungsun's health.
They didn't want to wake up the sick child, so we all gathered in the drawing room and talked about random things.

In the midst of our conversation, Jungsun trudged out of the room with the new stuffie in his arms. While rubbing his sleepy eyes, he greeted everybody.

"Hwello uncwles" Jungsun waived his other hand and walked in my direction lazily.

"Hey baby~" 4 of them said in unison.

"How is our little Jungsun?" Namjoon hyung asked.

"Me ish good but 'm hungwy" he said, putting his thumb in his mouth and looking at me.

"You guys continue, I'll just feed him and be right back" I excused myself and went to the kitchen with the baby holding my index finger.

I made him sit on the kitchen counter and warmed his soup.

While feeding him spoon by spoon, I asked, "Is it good?"

"I w'ove it!"

"That's good. I'll be back in a second. Just sit here like a good boy, okay?" I said, keeping the dishes in the sink.


As I went to the bedroom to bring his medicine, I heard Taehyung calling out my name.

"Jungkook! Can you come here for a second?"

"Coming hyung."

I went to the drawing room and saw everybody standing and talking to each other.

"Kook, it's quite late now. Jimin and Hobi need to go to their dance studio for night batch and we also have other works to wind up. See you next time" Yoongi hyung said.

"But the dinner is ready-"

"We will surely dine together some other day. For now, take care of Jungsun. See yaa"

With that, they left the place. I locked the main door and turned to Taehyung when he asked, "Did Jungsun eat something?"

"Yeah he had some soup. I was about to give him the medicines."

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