2. Jinnie And Hyun'ie Uncle

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Jungkook-ah! Where's mydance partner? ~Jin

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Jungkook-ah! Where's my
dance partner?

Time skip
Daycare center
Jungkook pov

No sooner did I enter the center, than I saw Jin hyung wearing a superman cloak with his "funky" red shutter glasses.

A bunch of children around Jungsun's age were clapping cheerfully while singing 'The Tomato Rhyme' in their own baby language, trying to copy the teacher. The room was filled with babyish laughter and happiness.

"Sing it out loud! Na.... Nannyaaa... Tomatoooo.... Very nice! Sing it along with me!" Jin hyung exclaimed, clapping and dancing along with the tiny tots.

His over-the-top dance steps were unbeatable. Then was the time for his signature step, 'The chicky-duck move'. I couldn't help but laugh at his goofiness.

In a matter of second, my baby ran towards him and started imitating the steps beside hyung. He looked no less than Jin hyung's assistant.

Oh my honeybun!

"Hey Jungsun!"

"Goo' mowning teachaw."

"Good morning! Where's your dada?"

"There!"  he said, pointing behind him in my direction.

"Oh, hey Jungkook. I'm sorry I didn't notice you. As you can see, I was taking an important class."

"Yeah, yeah! Why don't you help Hobi and Jimin hyung with their dance classes?" I chuckled sarcastically.

Jin hyung rubbed his nape, beaming shyly.

"This is Jungsun's tiffin box and water bottle. Please take care of him. Don't let him eat anything junk. I've-"

"Tsk.... Jungkook! Chill out! You've been using the same dialogue for the past 2 years"

"Ah... I'm sorry but I just can't help it. You know..."

"Gosh this emo kid! You should also join the dance session from tomorrow onwards. I bet you'll forget everything else once you shake your booty with us" he boasted, flipping the imaginary mullet dramatically.

Laughing at the brilliant idea, I said, "Haha! Alright, I'll surely think about it. See you in the evening. Bye."

"Byeee... Dadaa" Jungsun said, waving his little hands.

"Bye baby~ Be a good boy, okay?"

"Yes dada!"

Time skip
Jungkook's home

Grabbing my car keys and other important stuff, I tied my hair in a manbun and left for the clinic.

Time skip

It was a 10 minutes drive to the clinic. Taehyung being a workaholic, used to work from 8 am to 7 in the evening.

Though my timings were from 9 to 5, but he would often try to persuade me to leave at 4. I never complied to his words. If it was not for Jungsun, I wouldn't have let him work alone for so long.

Opening the transparent glass door, I saw a number of parents waiting to get their little ones checked.

A bunch of kids were playing in the small playarea, some were dozing off in their mother's laps while others were visibly scared.

Bowing to the parents in the waiting area, I went to Taehyung's cabin. When I entered the room, my eyes widened at the sight of Taehyung crying while a toddler sitting on the examination table was giggling at him.

"Hyung.... Oh my goodness! What in the world are you doing?"

He continued his fake cry.

"Minyeong has more superpowers than me!" he cried, pointing at the toddler who was tittering adorably.

I couldn't tell who was younger of the two. I bopped the child's nose and smiled at him. Then I turned to the older one.

"Seems like you are having a lot of fun. See you in the lunch break. "

"Okay!" With his boxy smile, he winked at me.

This hyung!

He continued with his great acting skills and I went to my cabin to start the work.

Time skip
1:00 pm

After a hectic 4 hour session, hyung and I sat in my cabin. While I was going through some reports, he was shoving steak and rice into his mouth ravenously.

Stuffing his mouth with rice, he asked, "How's Jungsun?"

"Yeah, he's good. Just usual tantrums over medicines... but I handled him well."

Swallowing the bulky bolus, he glared at me.

"Don't tell me you again made me an evil uncle, did you?"

Laughing nervously, I apologised, "Sorry hyung, I had to do it."

"Huh! Apology not accepted!" he huffed, crossing his arms.

Who says I've only one child?

When I got back to the file, Taehyung again called out my name rather hesitantly. 

"Umm... Jungkook?"


"Ah.. The upper floor is still vacant, right?"

"Hyung... Please... We have already talked about this a lot of times. My answer is not going to change. "

"Kook, the child needs special care for a few initial years. It won't even take me a day to shift to your place..." he said, expecting me to comply with his words.

Sighing, I kept the reports on my desk. I sat on the chair and waited for him to complete.

He continued,"See... I know you can handle him but still, you also need some sort of support. You've already been living alone since past 2 years.. "

Being Jungsun's doctor right from his birth, Taehyung knew how he used get sick almost every month. He didn't like leaving me alone with the baby during such times.

That was the reason why he wanted to shift to my place. We've had enough arguments about it, but I never complied with him.

Taehyung was already managing most of the clinic work. Burdening him with more duties was something I would've been ashamed to do.

It was an undeniable fact that he loved Jungsun his own child but I already owed him a lot.

"Hyung.. I know that you care for him but.... you also have a family who waits for you every evening to return home."

"Believe me or not, they really want me to help you with Jungsun. Don't you worry about my family. I'll handle it all."

"O-okay but... let's wait for a few more months, yeah? We'll decide later on.."

Nodding hopelessly, he didn't say anything. I had turned him down, again.

To compensate for my hurtful words, I suggested, "Umm... How about you come to my place this evening? Jungsun will be more than happy to play with his 'Hyungie' uncle. How does that sound?"

"Okay! I'm in!"

The idea of playing with Jungsun brightened up his mood instantly.

"Let's get back to work now."

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