20. Falling Like The Stars

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What the- is going on here!!? ~Taehyung

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What the-
is going on here!!?

Next morning
Miso's home
Jungkook pov

"Uh... mmm..." a babyish voice reached my ears. Then I felt something wiggling in my lap.

"Jungsun-ah~ Dada's here baby" I slurred in my sleepy state, too tired to open my eyes.

"M-mama...." the baby mewled.

"It's dada Jungsun~ Are you hungry?" I said, lifting the toddler by her armpits and rubbing her back.

"Arrgh..." Ignoring the fact that my vision was still blurry, I stepped out of the bed to go to the kitchen with the baby on my hip.

"Ouch!" I heard a thin voice when I bumped into someone with really short stature. When I rubbed my eyes open and looked down, I saw a long-haired figure holding it's arm while sitting on a chair.

But Taehyung never had such long hair.

Scratching my head, I glanced at the baby in my arms. The baby was wearing a frock. Why would I dress Jungsun in a floral frock?

"Arrgghhh... What is happening?!" I heard the same high pitched voice again. When the person turned it's face towards me, that was the moment I came back to reality.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" I apologised immediately.

She yawned lazily and mumbled, "Dr. Jeon? What are you doing?"

"Ahh.. Jung-.... I-I mean Areum is hungry.. So I was going to the kitchen..."

"Oh, is it? Let me bring something for her" she said in a clearer voice, standing up from the chair.

"Do you have tangerines at home?"

"Yeah... Can't we give her milk?"

"No, you need to avoid it for atleast 2 days. Just squeeze 2-3 tangerines in her bottle for now" I explained.

"Okay" she said and left to the kitchen.

My white shirt was completely drenched in sweat. Though the dampness was making me a bit dizzy, but I kept roaming around the room with the sick child in my arms.

"Mama..." she mumbled, now looking at me with sluggish eyes.

"Mama's coming with a yum-yum to fill her baby's tum-tum~" I cooed, shaking her little tummy.

"I wann' Mama!" she whined. As her face crinkled, I knew she was about to start a full blown cry. So I walked to the kitchen.

Miso pov

I was preparing the juice when Dr. Jeon entered the kitchen with Areum saying, "Here's mama~"

"Good morning baby.... How's my little angel?" I baby-talked, taking her from the doctor's hold.

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