23. Purple Hydrangeas

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These flowers are perfect for her

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These flowers are perfect
for her.
I can't wait for tomorrow.

Same day
Jungkook pov

I was driving back home with Jungsun, thinking about several ways to open up with Miso. From a basic coffee date to walking along Han river at night, nothing seemed to please me.

Sitting on the passenger seat was Jungsun swinging his head from side to side while singing in his baby language along with a nursery rhyme playing on the phone.

"Rwinga rwinga 'woses~ O! Dada! Dada!!" he exclaimed, now looking in my direction.

"What is it baby?" I asked, still comparing ideas for a perfect date.

"Can yoo buy me a 'wose Dada?"

To his unusual demand, I questioned, "A rose? For what?"

"Fow Minji!"

"Is it her birthday or something?"

"Noo... She ish going to bwing choco fow Jungsoo... So me wann' gif her 'wose"

"But why is she buying you a chocolate?" I asked as I couldn't think of a reason for this sudden exchange of gifts.

With a small pout, he stared at the car roof and tapped his chin with his index finger, probably trying to jot down the words in his head.

"Ummm... Fow.... Va'wlen.... Va'wlentines day!" he exclaimed, jumping on his seat as he was proud of himself for pronouncing such a big word somewhat correctly.

Tittering at his endearing talks, I teased him saying, "So Jungsun's got a girl, hm!?"

"Yesh! Minji ish my giwlfwiend!"

"Alright then... Let's shop the best roses for Minji, okay?"

"Yay! Let's go Dada!"

Flower shop
Jungkook pov

We stopped by a small flower shop. I carried Jungsun on my hip so that he could see the flowers on the stalls clearly. While he was selecting roses for Minji, a brilliant idea clicked in my mind.

Why not plan a date at the home itself?

On top of it, there could be no other day but valentines to kick start the things between us. I didn't want it to sound like a date, so I decided to involve Jungsun in the plan.

As he was having a hard time selecting the flowers, I picked up a pink rose and asked, "Hey, how about these?"

Taking the flower from my hand, he swirled it with his fingers and sniffed the petals. Fascinated by the scent and color, he readily agreed to buy it.

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