24. New Beginning

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The wandering birds have realised that they belong to the same nest

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The wandering birds have realised
that they belong to
the same nest.
~Crumpled paperballs

Next day
Jungkook home
Jungkook pov
7:45 pm

Taehyung was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen while I was lost in a hugh pile of clothes amongst which none seemed appropriate for the occasion.

As it wasn't a normal romantic date, formal suit would've seemed odd. I was utterly exhausted in half an hour. The only outfit I found somewhat good was a basic pink t-shirt with jet black jeans. Tucking in the tees, I checked myself in the mirror and went to Taehyung.

He was calling out my name when I stopped at the kitchen door.

"Kook-ah! Can you taste jap-"

As he saw me standing at the door, his eyes fell upon my outfit, scanning it from head to toe. His lips curving into a smile gave me an assurance that it looked good on me.

"Is it okay?" I asked, hoping for his approval. I wasn't a big fan of spending another hour in the closet.

"You look so fine kook! Pink suits you a lot" he complimented me.

"Are you sure?"

Taehyung, in true sense was a fashion maniac. It was an ordeal to get your outfit approved by him.

"Yeah, it's actually good! Now tell me how does it tastes" he said, grabbing some japchae with wooden chopsticks and blowing air on it.

I walked inside the kitchen and slurped the thin glass noodles saying, "Woah! That's yum."

"Huh! That's how dishes from a world class chef taste like!" he boasted, dramatically circling the chopsticks in the air over the pan like a magic wand.

I giggled at his childish demeanor.

"Did you try the beef mandu?" I asked about the dumplings I made before getting lost into my wardrobe.

"Yeah, it exactly tastes like the one my dad makes."

"Ay, thanks hyung. I think we're all set for the dinner."

"Yeah, let's do the plating."

I started off with unwrapping bulgogi which he ordered from a nearby restaurant. Owing to the busy clinic timings, we couldn't make it at home.

In the middle of the preparations, Taehyung spoke, "Don't be too nervous in front of her. Try to stay confident and speak your heart out."

Startled by her sudden mention, I stuttered, "H-huh? Uh.... I-I... Hmm..."

"Dada! Me can't weaw shoes!" Jungsun shouted, running out of the bedroom with the little black shoes in both of his hands.

Crouching down to his level, I took the footwear and helped him wear it while asking, "Baby, can you bring the flowers from the room?"

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