18. Doctors On Duty

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Mama, I don't fweel good~Areum

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Mama, I don't fweel good

Warning: Mention of vomiting and needles.

Time skip
Taehyung's cabin
Jungkook's pov

"Hyung, did you see Miso today?"

"I was about to ask the same question. You know what, I had to use my 'Contingency Candy Fund' to handle the kids" Taehyung complained.

"Contingency candy fund? Only you can understand your over-the-top references!" I rolled my eyes. With an angry pout, he glared at me.

"I'm gonna drive straight to Miso's shop after picking up Jungsun. I'm sure something's off. "

"Yeah, you should go. Call me if there is any problem. "

"Yes, I'll get going now" I said, rushing out of his cabin.

Time skip
Miso's Candy Shop
Jungkook pov

I reached at her place with Jungsun at 6pm. When I entered the shop, I couldn't see any candy jars or coffee machine. I wasn't able to figure out what was happening. It seemed as if the shop was sold out.

Excited to meet his noona and aunt, Jungsun ran upstairs chanting Areum's name. With the countless questions going on inside my head, I strode up the stairs.

"Misho aunty! Areum noona! Open the doow" the baby knocked the door with his small fists which was hardly audible.

When Miso opened the door, she waved brightly at Jungsun, taking him into her arms.

"Hey baby! How are you?" she cooed, pinching his cheeks. Ignoring my presence, she continued talking to the baby. I couldn't think of any logical reason for that.

"Umm.. M-miso.." I called out her name to break the ice.

"Yeah?" she said bluntly. It was enough for me to know that she was upset about something.

"Are you... Are you okay?"

"Why do you care if I'm okay or not? That's none of your business Dr. Jeon" she said sweetly while bouncing Jungsun in her arms.

"No... I... You didn't come to deliver the boxes today. So I thought..."

"I'm sorry Dr. Jeon. The new landlord has kicked me out from this place. I won't be selling candies anymore. You need to find someone else now" she said calmly, maintaining a smile for the sake of Jungsun who was somewhat listening to our conversation though unable to understand the matter.

"What? New landlord?" I was completely perplexed by her words. As the conversation was taking a serious turn, I said, "
Jungsun, go play with Areum noona, okay? We'll come after you."

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