15. Miso's Past

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I'm gonna try my best to help Miso

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I'm gonna try my best
to help Miso.

Miso's Candy Shop
Jungkook pov

Jungsun was playing with Areum on the upper floor. We were sitting near the counter with Miso, sipping on the coffee while chit-chating about random stuff.

"How's Areum doing now?" I asked.

"Yeah she's much better."

"Umm... Since how long have you been running this shop?" Taehyung asked.

"It's been 4 years... I somehow managed to graduate from high school before Areum's birth. After that, I had to find a source of income to raise her. So I started this shop."

"Well, Areum is 4 years old, right? Then... Are you just... 22?" I asked rather hesitantly.

"I'm 21."

I was shocked to hear that. For real.

"Umm.. So... Your parents?" I asked.

"They don't live with us. When Areum was born, they told me to leave her in an orphanage. Abandoning the baby I carried for 9 months wasn't something I could have ever thought of.... as I protested against their demands, I was given out of the house because they didn't want to harm their social status."

Taehyung and I were at complete loss of words.

What's so wrong with being a single parent that the 'so called' society can't accept? Do we disqualify the 'normal human being' title by raising a helpless child alone?

"And your... Husband? Where is he now? " Taehyung asked.

"He left me the day he got to know about my pregnancy. You would be surprised to know that he's currently the landlord of this place" she said, casually sipping on her coffee. With a bold voice, she had almost narrated her whole life story to the two strangers. The fire of rage and treachery had left her eyes tearless long ago.

She continued, "I was originally a tenant on his dad's property who had no idea about our relationship. He died last month.... so now, his son is the new landlord. He's already warned us about selling the property to the first costumer itself."

In the middle of the conversation, Areum and Jungsun rushed downstairs with some drawing pages in their hands. Both of them handed over their drawings to Miso.

"Mama, I dwew a pictuwe of us!" Areum exclaimed.

Miso patted her daughter's head and praised, "This is so good baby... Mumma's proud of you."

"Misho aunty, see Jungsoo dwawing!" Jungsun pulled her sleeves impatiently.

As soon as she held his drawing, she bursted into laughter. She asked, "Baby, do you have a joker at home?"

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