8. It's A Stomach Flu

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You are gonna be okay bubs

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You are gonna be okay bubs.
Dada's here for you

Warning : mention of needles.

Taehyung's cabin
Jungkook pov

After parking the car, I went inside the clinic. As the timings were over, there was no patient in the waiting area.

With Jungsun on my hip, I bashed into Taehyung's cabin. He was standing near his desk, probably typing something on his phone.


Upon hearing my voice, he shot up his head towards me. Sliding the phone inside his pocket, he said, "Come, lie him down on the table."

"I need to clean him up first. Do you have diapers and wipes in here?" I asked whilst lying Jungsun on the table.

"Yeah, just wait a second."

After cleaning him up, I sat on the examination table with Jungsun sniffling in my lap, trying to calm him down.

"Da-Dada.... Huwts" he cried.

"Shh baby.... Calm down~ Hyungie uncle will make the ouchie go away" I cooed, bouncing him lightly in my lap.

Taehyung grabbed the stethoscope from his desk and sat on a stool near us.

"Don't cry baby~ I'll shoo away the ouchie really quick."

I lifted Jungsun's shirt. No sooner did Taehyung place the diaphragm of his stethoscope on his chest, than he started squirming.

"Da... Dada..."

"Calm down baby~ It's almost over" Taehyung shushed him, caressing his back.

Jungsun kept whining throughout the check-up. With great difficulty and patience, Taehyung examined his throat, eyes and temperature.

"Well, it's 104°F. Lie him down on the table and lift his shirt. I'm afraid that he's stomach flu."

I knew it. And I knew what was gonna happen.

I hummed in response. When I placed Jungsun on the table, he gripped my shirt crying, "N-no dada!"

"I'm not going anywhere baby. Relax!" I said, taking his tiny hands off the shirt.

Though I was sitting beside him on the table, he couldn't help but make grabby hands towards me to pick him up.

"Baby... Shh... Dada and uncle are here only. Don't you worry. You are my good boy, right?" Taehyung cooed, pressing his stomach to check the infected area.

As expected, he cried at every other point that he touched.

"H-huwts... Huwts!!" he whimpered.

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