9. Shots And Rewards

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Pwease Dada! Me dunn' wan' mowe booboo! ~Jungsun

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Pwease Dada! Me dunn' wan'
mowe booboo!

Warning: mention of needles and diarrhoea (very brief)

Next day
Jungkook's home
Jungkook pov
8 am

It was a difficult night for us. Jungsun kept whining out of pain and discomfort all through the night.

I tried putting him to sleep on my chest, lap and every other possible way, but nothing worked.

I told Taehyung to sleep in another room uncountable times as he had to go to the clinic in the morning but he being Taehyung, completely ignored my words.

He was in the kitchen for most of the time, warming water to sooth his aching belly, trying different home remedies and what not.

As the pain subsided, Jungsun slept at 6 in the morning. Though Taehyung hardly took an hour's nap, but he was fully ready at 8 to go to the clinic.

"Hyung, you don't have to overwork yourself. Nurses will handle everything at the clinic and... we'll shift your luggage tomorrow. You are already tired..."

Again, he didn't pay any heed to my words and said, "Call me when Jungsun wakes up. And mom will help me with the luggage. You just care about his health for now."

I had no choice but to agree with him.


"Are you going to talk to Jin hyung today?" he asked while adjusting his tie in the mirror.

"Yeah... I'll call him up."

"Alright then, see you later."

Taehyung left for the clinic. Jungsun was also sleeping peacefully. So I phoned Jin hyung.

"Hello hyung."

"Hey Jungkook. When is Jungsun coming?"

"Ah... I'm sorry he won't be able come for a few days. He got really sick last night."

"What? How? He was completely fine till yesterday! What happened all of a sudden?"

"He got a really bad stomach flu. I guess he ate something from his friends."

"Is it? Wait, Minji was there with him all the time. Let me ask her if he ate anything. Just hold on for a second."

Jin pov

I asked Minji about Jungsun. She told me that he had tteokbokki with her. On top of that, he didn't take 'just one bite'.

He must have felt left out amongst other children. I returned to the call to inform Jungkook about it.

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