!Prince! Levi X !Criminal! Reader (AU)

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"The Falcon and the Hawk: p1"



•OOC Levi

•Minor Blood Description


•Season 2 & 3 Spoilers


(Requested by @Dont_ask_me_who_am_i )

Third Person POV

The single flame of a candle dances along the wick in a dark study. The scribbles of an inked quill scrape against a piece of a paper as the wind blows outside the stained windows. In the last few hours of his freedom, a Prince wrote a farewell note to his mother for whenever she would find it. Tomorrow is his nineteenth birthday, the day he would no longer be himself. Every year, his mother celebrates his birthday by hosting a festival for the kingdom in order to honor their Prince. Anything from food, dancing, singing, to having a grand 'ole time on this special day. The night would always end with a ball that only neighboring kingdoms could attend if they so pleased. This time, Princesses from different nations would be attending in order to offer their hand in marriage. Whichever one he would chose were to be wed the morning after the ball.

All these fair maidens are coming across the land just for him and as pleasing as it sounds, it was terrifying him. Tomorrow, he would be on the verge of taking the throne. He is going to be the King of Sina in only a matter of days and the thought made him sick to his stomach. That is why he sits here, in his study, writing away his final goodbye before he leaves his kingdom that he has never left. The Prince has never been outside the walls of his kingdom and has little knowledge on what really lies beyond them. However, he's willing to risk it all in order to find his own freedom. He would rather live a life where no one is counting on him, calling all the shots to further improve his kingdom's way of living. He doesn't see how his mother's people can trust him when he doesn't even trust himself.

Once he signed his letter, he got up and brought it back to his bedroom where he would leave it behind one of the many pillows adorning his massive canopy bed. Before heading out, he lies on the mattress to stare up towards the velvet fabric above his bed frame, wondering if he really is this crazy for running away. "You're next on the throne, are you really this scared of governing your people?" Minutes pass and the young man finally drags himself off the bed to make his great escape before it becomes too late and his plan is foiled. Stripping his heavy outermost layers to ditch and putting on his riding boots in order to run quicker and scale cliffs, he also grabs a satchel for the bare minimum supplies. Now, he's ready.


As the sun peeks her way over the horizon, minutes pass until she is rising above the three great walls of the quaint kingdom. Her heavenly marigold and tangerine beams warm up the Earth, awakening all of her subjects from people to critters. Life begins to bustle through the once before quiet cobblestone streets, now it is full of life from the early-risers and shopkeepers. Everyone is busy preparing for the day's celebration of their Prince. Other than that, it's just another day in the Kingdom of Sina, but only to the commoners. Inside the inner wall, Sina, that hosts the Royal family, that is not the case, however.

All havoc has broken loose within the castle, leaving servants in distress as they all frantically search for their Prince who is nowhere to be found. "Your highness, we regret to inform you that your son is nowhere to be found. And we found this letter." One of the Prince's servants had announced, regretting every word she said as she handed over the envelope. Of course, it is her duty to take care of the Prince whenever he needs but telling her Majesty that the Prince was missing was a different story. Queen Kuchel rose from her throne and took the letter, then looked over to her left at the head of her knights. "Hartman, send every knight you have available to find my son." "Yes, your Majesty." He spoke before taking off to recruit the Royal guard.

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