Levi X !Neko! Reader Part 2 ⚠️18+

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"Secret Potion: p2"


•18+ Content

•Suggestive Content



(Requested by: @mysaltydino010409 )

Third Person POV

"So, if I'm hearing all of this correctly, what you're saying is that you want revenge?" A crazy brunette scientist asks for confirmation, hands folded together. "Have I made it any more obvious? I've been telling you that for the past thirty minutes!" Their shorter "friend" growls, more than irritated at this point. "Sheesh, okay then. Don't need to get grumpy about it, Levi, goodness." The taller of the duo chuckles, pushing their glasses back up the bridge of their Greek nose. The raven haired man simply sharpens his eyes, arms tightly crossed over his chest. "Are you going to help me out or what?!" He asks, losing the last ounce of patience he has for them. "Um... yeah? I've been saying that the last thirty minutes, geez! You never listen." Hange snorts, clearly poking at him this time. "You better count your fucking days, psycho..." The short man mutters as the scientist rises from their desk chair to dig through some bins.

*The Dining Hall*

"Stop it!" Sasha laughs loudly, tears prickling the corners of her eyes. "No, seriously, please stop before Sasha pisses herself- I'M SITTING NEXT TO HER!" Conny pleads to the (hair color) girl. "But I'm being serious! He really shrunk like an extra two or three feet! He was tiny!" (F/n) snickers, recalling the incident where Captain Levi turned into a cat... human... thing. "He already is tiny! So what do you mean?!" Sasha laughs even harder, imagining their Captain being even smaller. "You've got a point... he looked like a toddler, though! I wish you guys saw it. It felt so good." She sighs. "Gee, that could be taken many ways." Conny remarks, earning an elbow to the ribs. "Oi-!" He grunts in pain. "You're sick. No, what I mean is, it felt good to feel like I had power over him." (F/n) smiles triumphantly to herself. "Wow. You outta say that again but to his face." Sasha says once she's calmed down. "Why?" (F/n) raises a brow, confused. Before Sasha can answer, a throat clears behind the (hair color) girl. That's when she connects the dots.

"Hello, Captain." (F/n) slowly turns around to face him in all his grumpy glory. "Shouldn't you be training?" Is all he asks, cold eyes deadly. "Um... yeah, I'm going out after I eat." (F/n) nods. Just before she turns back around, Hange pops out from under the table, pouring a blue substance into her drink, disappearing immediately after. Sasha and Conny exchange a look, shrugging it off after. They never dared get in the way of Section Commander Hange. "Don't worry, Captain, I'll train today, and not act childish." (F/n) rolls her eyes, finding the situation a bit amusing. Without saying a word, the Captain leaves to get himself some tea. Sasha and Conny part their lips to tell their friend about the substance Hange poured into her drink but they were too late. As soon as (f/n) returned to the conversation, she chugged the rest of her water so she could go train. "What?" She asks after placing the empty cup back on the table. Sasha's eyes are wide, stuttering over her words just like Conny. "N-Never mind..." The buzzed boy shakes his head, waving it off. Still confused, (f/n) shrugs and gets up with her dishes. "Well, I better go before I'm yelled at again. See you guys at lunch?" Sasha looks up at (f/n), quickly nodding. "Yeah! We'll be here!" Sasha smiles after responding. "Okay, see you then." (F/n) grins, turning around to wash her dishes.

Before she can even take a step, she suddenly falls to the ground. "(F/n)?!" Conny and Sasha exclaim, rising from their seats and scrambling around the table to kneel beside her. "What happened?" Conny asks, picking up her left arm while Sasha takes the right, pulling her up together. "Did you trip on something?" Sasha also asks, looking up/down/straight at her face when she's off the ground. "(F/n)...?" Conny waves his free hand in front of her face, noticing that she wasn't responding. "Did she pass out?" Sasha looks over at Conny with major concern. "Looks like it... let's take her to the infirmary." Conny nods, hoisting the girl out to the hallway with Sasha.

In the dining hall, the other cadets quietly chat amongst themselves on what just happened. Captain Levi had just gotten himself a cup of tea when Sasha and Conny pulled (f/n) outside. Glancing across the room at Hange, he sighs, forgetting that was a side effect from the serum. Hange felt bad that (f/n) fell, but Levi asked them to do this so they had to.

*Time Skip*

Later that afternoon, (f/n) woke up to a throbbing headache. "Ow... wow, what happened?" The girl mutters as she slowly sits up from a bed. "This is not my room either." She clears her throat after hearing her voice. "Hello?" (F/n) calls out, pausing after. "Why is my voice so squeaky? Oh great, I'm sick." She grumbles while Hange enters the room. "Heeey, (f/n)." They greet nervously, shutting the door behind them. "Hange, what happened to me? Do I have a cold?" (F/n) asks, looking up at the... super tall Section Commander. "Um... no, not exactly. You see-" Hange gets cut off by another voice. "You got to be my victim for payback." The Captain squeezes into the room behind Hange. "...Come again?" (F/n) gives him a bored look, just like he does. Levi sighs, walking across the room, digging through a cabinet, and pulling out a hand mirror. "Ring a bell?" He asks as he holds it in front of the shrunken cadet. Once her reflection comes into view, (f/n) lets out a loud gasp. "You-...?!" Two (hair color) cat ears sit atop her head, followed by whiskers and a matching tail behind her. "Oh my God..." She exasperates, flopping back onto the bed. "I hate you." She mutters behind her tiny hands. "That's fine because I actually don't mind cats." Levi shrugs, ruffling her hair up. (F/n) unintentionally hisses at him, then clasps her hands over her mouth. "Oops...?" (F/n) chuckles lightly.

"I'll go get the antidote." Hange announces. Before leaving, they make one last comment. "Hey, um... this isn't what I really meant when I said you should get more p-" "The antidote?" Levi cuts them off, glaring sharply. "Right!" They chuckle, leaving the infirmary room. "You realize you just started a war, right?" (F/n) looks up at her Captain, holding in a laugh. "So? You'll lose anyway." He remarks.


My apologies for taking awhile to write something new, I've been busy just about everyday now plus I've had no motivation at the end of each day.

Hopefully I can get more stuff out because I keep getting ideas, but I never have the time to write them down!

Also, this may be my last one-shot for a few days/weeks because I'll be traveling for the rest of the month and visiting my friends starting next week so I'll be giving them my full attention.

Anyway, that's all for now! Hope you all have a wonderful day or night!


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