Levi X Reader (AU) ⚠️18+

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"Another Life, Another Chance: p1"


18+ Content

•Mentions of Death




(Requested by @DoChristina )

Third Person POV

"I need to meet some people." A newly graduated woman confesses to her best friend, Sasha. "Yeah, you do. How about you meet some of my friends then?" The brunette suggests, sitting on the other end of the couch. "I mean... I'm not opposed, but would it be awkward?" (F/n) asks, not feeling the best about this situation. "I don't want you to have to make them feel forced, you know? Like, hey my other friend doesn't have any here, so you have to meet her." The girl explains, sinking into her corner of the couch. "No, it won't be like that at all. I know you just moved here, but meeting them can open new doors! Maybe they'll have friends you'll connect with too!" Sasha smiles optimistically. "Yeah, I guess you're right." (F/n) grins. "How about I throw a welcome party for you and invite my friends and they can bring some too?" Sasha offers. "Before you say no, I'm doing it. I shouldn't have even asked." The girl pulls out her phone to mass text everyone party invites.

Just as silence reaches the room, the mounted television falls off the wall, crashing onto the console below it. "I thought you said you mounted it correctly?" Sasha asks, not at all fazed by it. "I said I "think" I mounted it correctly." (F/n) corrects the banged brunette. "I'll go get us a new t.v." The girl sighs, rising from the couch, grabbing her wallet and keys. "Good luck with that. Please don't break the next one." Sasha chuckles, watching her friend head towards their apartment/flat door. "Yeah, yeah." (F/n) sighs, exiting their place after putting her shoes on.

After taking the elevator to the parking garage and retrieving her vehicle, the girl leaves the building and heads towards the closest electronic store to replace their television. (F/n)'s no mechanic nor home decorator, so the faulty mount wasn't entirely her fault. How Sasha even let her near it in the first place? She still wonders that too.

Eventually, she gets to a store, parking relatively close to the front entrance. It was fairly busy inside, but luckily, she was able to find some help and pick out a replacement t.v. for her's and Sasha's apartment/flat. A boy named Marco helped her get it off the shelf and load it on her platform cart. "Thanks for your help, Marco!" (F/n) smiles up/down/straight at the freckled brunette. "Hey, no problem." He grins with closed eyes. "Someone up front can ring you out, tell them Marco assisted you." He adds. "I sure will! Thanks, again." The (hair color) girl nods, pushing her cart towards the registers. A blonde boy then checks her out, his name tag stating his name to be Armin. "Hello, miss! Did you find everything you were looking for?" He smiles brightly. "I did, actually. Marco helped me out." She smiles back, getting her wallet out. "He's one of our best employees, always helping out." Armin nods, scanning the box with a hand-held scanner. "Do you need help loading this in your car?" Armin then asks, pressing a few buttons on his screen. "If you don't mind?" (F/n) grins, always hating to ask for help. "We don't mind at all! I'll send someone to wait for you at the door." He hands her the receipt after paying. "Thanks for coming in today!" Armin smiles one last time, waving. "Thank you!" (F/n) waves back, heading towards the exit.

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