!Dad! Levi X !Mom! Reader Part 2

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"The Captain's Daughter: p2"



•Season 1 Spoilers


(Requested by @simpiingForLevii )

Third Person POV

*14.5 Years Ago*

"We can't keep living down here, rotting like rats. We can hardly eat and afford to keep ourselves healthy. Let alone, stay safe each night. This shithole is crawling with predators who would do anything to get spare change, without a second thought, and a lack of empathy." Levi mutters to his girlfriend as they sit on the floor of their shelter. "I know... and it's no place to raise a child, either. I'm worried for her every single day. I'm scared someone will take her from us." (F/n) sighs, looking down at the sleeping infant in her arms. "I don't want that either. I hate leaving you two alone here for even a second. It's too dangerous out there. I'll get you two to the surface if it's the last thing I do. I know Kora wasn't planned but I plan on giving her the best life that I can." Levi carefully moves the corner of her blanket to see her small face. "What about you, though?" (F/n) turns her head to look at the father of her child. "Don't worry about me. As long as you two make it to the surface, that's all that matters." Levi whispers, meeting her (eye color) irises. "Please come with us. We need you."


*3 Years Ago*

"Where did daddy go?" Kora asks her mother as they dry their very few dishes on a cloth. "He had to go out with Isabel and Farlan, sweetie. He should be back soon, though." The mother grins at her growing daughter, setting a cup down. He didn't give much of an explanation for why he had to go out today, other than a job he had to do. He's still been working on getting his family up to the surface but there hasn't been much luck through the years. They've done everything from trying to sneak out and get money but each attempt was unsuccessful. At this point, (f/n) was losing hope on the idea, although Levi would always reassure her that he will still keep his promise and get them there, if it kills him.

"I miss him." Kora whines, putting a plate down she finished drying. "I know, Kor, I miss him too, but if we want to live on the surface, he has to work so we can get there." (F/n) grins, putting down her cup and cloth to run her fingers through Kora's black hair. "Okay, mama." The twelve year old nods, returning to the dishes. "How about we surprise him with a treat when he gets home?" (F/n) suggests, chuckling when Kora gasps in excitement. "Okay! What should we get?" She asks, bouncing around. "Hmm..." (F/n) hums as she opens a cabinet that hid a glass jar with all the money they had. "Um... we might have enough to get a duck." (F/n) pulls out an appropriate amount of change for the market. "But those are gross..." Kora frowns, crossing her arms. "I know, but it's the cheapest meat they have, plus, dad likes it enough to tolerate it." (F/n) explains, putting the change in her pocket then picking up her cloak off a chair. "Go grab your cloak, honey." The mother pulls the hood up over her head, concealing her identity.

When Kora returns with her cloak and puts it on, the girls head outside to walk to the market and pick up dinner for their small family. As they walk along the dark streets, barely lit by street candles, they hear some sort of whooshing sound above them. (F/n) ignores it, holding her daughter's hand and walking quickly before creeps appear to cause trouble.

"Pick one out, Kor." (F/n) ushers her daughter when they make it to the stand. "Ummm..." The raven girl looks at all the hunted ducks, cringing at the sight. "That one...?" She points to a small duck, furthest to the right. The shopkeeper looks at it then unties it from the wooden pole to hand it over to (f/n) "15." He grumbles. The woman fishes through her pockets, pulling out the change and handing it to the clerk. He doesn't thank her, but sits back down on his chair, crossing his arms. "All right, let's get back home and cook this before dad comes back." (F/n) takes ahold of Kora's hand again. On their walk home, Kora notices the whooshing sound. She looks above her and spots a figure flying through the air, too far to see. "Mama, look!" The girl stops and points it out. Before (f/n) looks up, someone flies in front of them from an ally to their left. The wind causes their hoods to fly up and reveal their surprised, but scared, faces. (F/n) briefly makes eye contact with the man, only able to see blonde facial hair, and light eyes. She also notices his green cape but didn't recognize the symbol on the back. "Kora, we have to go. Now." (F/n) mumbles, squeezing her daughter's hand. "What?" Kora looks up, confused. "Run!" Her mother shouts, pulling her towards the house.

Once they make it home, (f/n) throws the duck on the counter before pulling out slats of wood, a hammer, and nails, to barricade the windows and door. "Mama, what's going on?" The daughter asks nervously, watching her frantic mother scramble across the small house. "There's Military Police or some sort of Military down here. This is bad... this is really bad, Kora." She answers in the calmest voice she can pull off. Kora just nods, still confused, but watches anyway. As (f/n) begins to cover the door, it bursts open, hitting her, and causing her to almost fly across the room. "Mama!" Kora gasps, running over to her side. Two men enter the home, holding up long, silver swords. (F/n) sits up, getting in front of Kora. "Stay back! Don't touch my daughter!" She shouts, eyes narrow. "You're coming with us." One of them says, pointing the sword directly at (f/n)'s throat. "I'm not letting you take me hostage." The woman spits. The man doesn't answer, instead, approaches and swiftly grabs the woman's arms behind her back. "I said, you're coming with us." He repeats, dragging her down the steps. "Don't touch her!" She cries out, struggling against the Military troops.

Kora's frightened eyes trail up the tall man standing in front of her, his own eyes dark as he glares down at her. She was only able to see a portion of his face under the green hood, recognizing it. It was the same man from earlier that had flew in front of them. Kora stands there, legs trembling in fear. She had no idea what they wanted from her or her mother. Had her father gotten into trouble and they were next? While Kora is trapped in her mind, thinking of every worst case scenario, the tall man gently takes ahold of her petite hand, pulling her along. "Come on. If you don't put up a fuss like your mother, I won't drag you out." He says softly, making Kora even more confused. Why was he being so gentle? The little girl simply nods, following the strange man down the steps and through the streets of the underground.

As the men lead the mother and daughter, they eventually make it to another street where two other Military troops stood in the middle of the road, watching over three crouched people, in front of a puddle. "D-Daddy...?" Kora whispers, slipping her hand out of the tall man's grasp, running towards her father. "Kora!" (F/n) shouts, fighting against the troop still holding her back. "Let go of me!" She shouts, flailing her legs and torso but he wouldn't budge. Levi's eyes widen as he looks over and sees his daughter running towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck once she made it to him. "You brought them?" Levi quietly asks the blonde standing in front of them. The tall Commander nods, straightening his back out. "Of course. It was the only way you would agree to coming to the surface and joining the Scouts with your friends." The right corner of his lips turn up in a smirk.

(F/n) heard the Commander's words, her eyes widening. "W-What...?" She whispers, calming down, but confused on what was happening. "This is your wife?" The blonde with thick eyebrows approaches the woman. "My girlfriend." Levi quietly corrects, watching them closely. "These three are coming with us to the surface and joining our regiment, as you just heard. Your boyfriend over there fought the idea but we came to a compromise. You and your daughter will be coming with us as well." Erwin explains to the (hair color) woman. "We are...?" She whispers, flabbergasted. "We're going to the surface?"


I'm almost caught up on requests! Dw, I still enjoy writing them because it gives me a prompt instead of coming up with my own ideas and getting stuck from lack of inspiration.

Hope you enjoyed this one-shot! Onto the next⛹️‍♀️


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