!Neko! Levi X Reader

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"Secret Potion: p1"




Third Person POV

Hanji was in her office, just finishing up a new experiment that she's been working very hard on. (F/n) was in there as well, helping her with the project.

"And.......done!" Hanji exclaimed when she closed the small bottle with a cork. Inside the bottle was a thick dark blue liquid. "Now, (f/n), would you be a dear and go fetch shorty?" Hanji asked.

"Why?" The (h/c) haired girl asked. "He's going to be the test subject!" Hanji giggled. "Oh..ok. But if something bad happens, I had no part in this." (F/n) replied, walking out the door of Hanji's office.

A few minutes later, she returned with an annoyed corporal following behind her. "Why am I here?" Levi asked. "I need you to be my test subject!" Hanji cheered. "No." Levi frowned.

"I never asked you if you wanted to do it because you have to do it. You don't get a choice." Hanji smirked. "Tch." Was all he replied with. "Now on to the actual experiment." She said to herself, grabbing the bottle for Levi.

"Now drink this whole thing down and let me know how you feel after a minute." Hanji handed him the small bottle and he carefully inspected him. "What's it supposed to do?" He cautiously asked.

"It'll make you grow taller!" "Enough with the tricks Hanji. You told me that-" Hanji cut off the man by forcefully pouring the blue substance down his throat.

"What the fuck?!" He shouted after a coughing fit. He quickly did a self examination to make sure nothing physically changed about him. "What the hell did you do to me, shitty glasses?" He growled in a low tone.

"Well, nothing happened yet. I guess it will take awhile to take effect on you." Hanji sighed, cleaning out the bottle that used to have the blue liquid in it. "What will it do?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You'll find out soon~" She evilly smiled. "Thanks for helping me out, (f/n) dear!" Hanji smiled. Levi rolled his eyes and left the room, going back to his office.

"What is that stuff actually supposed to do?" (F/n) asked nervously after Levi left. "You see," Hanji started.

Time Skip

It was the middle of the night right now, and everyone in HQ was asleep. Levi woke up suddenly on his desk chair. Except something was off. He couldn't see over his desk now?

"Huh?" His eyes widened when he noticed that his voice was a bit higher than usual. 'Maybe it was just a voice crack.' He thought to himself.

Levi looked up at his wall clock which read three in the morning. He shrugged and decided to go to the mess hall and make himself a cup of tea.

When he was just about to get up from his chair, he saw how far he was from the floor. "Don't think about it, I'm probably just tired." He whispered, taking note that his voice was squeaky sounding again.

He jumped off his chair and looked back up at his desk chair. 'Why is it towering over me? Did shitty glasses shrink me?!' He ran over to his connected bedroom and looked in a full length mirror.

A gasp escaped his mouth, as his eyes widened even more. "HANJI!!!!" He screamed with rage. Levi had shrunk about three feet, and now had cat ears and a tail matching his hair.

"WHY AM I A FUCKING CAT?!" He exclaimed, running out of his room and to Hanji's office. When he got there, he started pounding on the door and didn't stop.

While all of this was happening, (f/n) heard Levi yelling and it woke her up. She decided to see if he was okay. (F/n) walked down the hall until she came upon Hanji's office door and saw someone knocking on it.

"C-captain..?" She asked, looking down at the now shorter Levi. "What, brat?" He hissed. "Did Hanji's experiment work?" The girl asked him, kneeling down to his level.

"I don't fucking know! Was this what her stupid experiment was?!" He yelled in her face. She hesitantly nodded 'yes'. "Dammit Hanji, open up!" Levi hollered.

Soon enough, she opened the door and bursted out laughing when she saw Levi. "I-it..worked!" She cheered in between laughs.

"Good for you, now turn me back to normal!" Levi frowned. "Aw! Why? You're so adorable!" (F/n) gushed. Levi's eyes narrowed on the girl and he gave her a death glare.

But now since he's only two feet and three inches with cat ears and a tail, it didn't work out so much like he planned. Instead it made him look even cuter. "Aww~ would you look at that? He doesn't look scary anymore!" Hanji chuckled.

"Shut up! I'm not adorable, I'm manly!" He scowled at the girls cooing over him. "Nah, you're pretty adorable." (F/n) mumbled. "Hey! I heard that!" Levi shouted, very annoyed.

"Anyway, when will I be back to normal?" The tinier Levi asked Hanji. "It should wear off later today." She replied. "Oh, and (f/n)? I need you to keep a close eye on him." She added, looking over to her.

"Why?" She raised an eyebrow, looking at the crazy scientist, confused. "Just cause." She smiled before slamming her office door shut in their faces. "So...if you look like a cat, does that mean you'll act like one?" (F/n) asked Levi as they walked down to the mess hall.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?!" "You don't have to raise your voice, captain." She sighed. An idea sparked in (f/n)'s head, so she glanced down at Levi while they continued their walk.

She quickly scooped Levi up in her arms. This sudden action caused Levi to squeak out. Which totally embarrassed him. "Put me down!" He ordered. She didn't listen to him, whatsoever.

(F/n) held him out in front of her and gazed at his cuteness. She soon brought him to her chest, in a tight hug. "I can't get over your cuteness!" She squealed, hugging him tighter.

"You mean because I'm shorter, or because I'm half a cat?" He asked her. "Both." She bluntly answered.

Time Skip

Levi was slowly starting to go back to normal now. He was his original height again and his voice was normal. But he still had the cat ears and tail. "Why won't these darn things disappear already?!" Levi muttered, looking in a mirror.

"But they're so cute!" (F/n) said, coming up from behind him. "Jesus Christ! You're such a creep, popping up at random times." Levi jumped when he heard her voice.

"Sorry." She chuckled. "Now would you stop calling me 'adorable' or 'cute'?" He asked, turning around to look at the girl. "Maybe...it depends." She smirked.

"What are you talking abo-" Levi was cut off by (f/n) being the brave one, and pressing her lips on his. Levi's face went completely red as he slowly shut his eyes and kissed back.

On the other side of Levi's office door, Hanji was getting ready to walk in with a bottle from her office. "Levi, I got something to help make you go back to normal faster!" She said, peeking inside but seeing that he was busy.

"I'll come back later." She whispered, smiling and going back to her office.


Hope you liked this one shot!


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