!Dad! Levi X !Daughter! Reader (AU)

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"Winning Shot"


Season 2 & 3 Spoilers


(Requested by: @-D_ACKERMAN )

Third Person POV

"I'm gonna miss basketball season." Ymir yawns, laying down in her sleeping bag. "Me too. I hope next season is good!" Sasha smiles, chewing on a candy. "You're not gonna be able to sleep if you keep eating sugar." Historia sighs, chuckling afterwards. Sasha shrugs, rolling onto her back. "I'm tired, guys." (F/n) lets out a yawn as she adjusts in her sleeping bag. "Yeah, we better go to sleep before Mikasa's mom yells at us." Sasha laughs, finishing her snack. "Good idea." Ymir agrees, stretching out her arms. "Goodnight guys." Historia smiles, glancing over at Mikasa. "Oh, she's already out. Anyway, goodnight!" She smiles before laying down as well. "Night!" The rest of them reply, going to sleep.


The next morning, (f/n) runs home to grab her duffle bag to take to the game. Mikasa's mom was nice enough to lend everyone a ride since the girls all spent the night. Luckily, she only lived next door to (f/n). "Hey, dad!" (F/n) shouts as she runs up the stairs to her bedroom to swap out bags. Her dad only caught of glimpse of his daughter speeding through the house when she ran inside, simply waving. "Yeah, I'm leaving as soon my daughter does. I'll be on the road in about twenty minutes. All right, I'll see you then." Levi hangs up the phone after, grabbing the last few things he needs before leaving.

By this time, (f/n) slides back down the stairs, duffle bag in tow. "You're gonna meet us at school, right?" She asks as soon as she hits the bottom. "Well, honey, you see..." He starts to say, but his daughter cuts him off. "Are you taking me instead? Okay! I'll be outside!" She gets up and heads for the door. "No, (f/n), listen." He stops her, coming over to talk. "What's up?" She asks, dropping her bag. "Some things turned up at work... and well, I have to go out of town this weekend for a meeting. Don't worry though, Kenny is going to pick you up after the game." He explains to her. "Oh..." (F/n) slowly nods. "I'm sorry, (nickname). I wish I could come." The father sighs. "No, it's okay." The girl shakes her head, showing off a wide smile. "Are you sure?" He notices the fake smile. "Yeah! Positive." She nods again, picking up her bag. "See 'ya!" She waves, running back out the door. Levi stands there and lets out another sigh, collecting his things.

"Ready to go?" Mikasa's mother asks everyone as they pile into her car. "Yep!" All the girls reply, sitting in a seat. Once buckled, they leave the house and head to the school for the last game of the season. Historia and Ymir chat the entire ride while Sasha and Mikasa talk about the upcoming game. (F/n) sits in the very back, keeping to herself as she thinks about the game and how her dad is missing it again. He's only seen two games out of the whole season and both times, he got phone calls from work.

"Okay, girls, you ready to get out there?" Their team's coach smiles down at the sixth graders. "Yeah!" They all cheer, hungry for the competition. "Looks like you're competing against the Sina Scorpions." Hange looks over at the other team, their colors green and white. "Well, the Maria Manatees are cooler!" Sasha remarks, making Historia giggle. "All right, get warmed-up before we start then!" Hange gives them a thumbs up.

While warming-up, the girls notice their parents and family filing into the gym, getting a seat on the bleachers. (F/n) doesn't bother looking, already knowing that her dad wasn't going to show up. The other girls noticed this and decided not to say anything about it. (F/n) looked upset enough by it, they didn't want to make her feel worse. "Hey, is that the other team?" Historia asks, pointing over to the other side of the gym. Five girls come in, each of them familiar to the team. They've played before in elementary school. Annie, Hitch, Nanaba, Rico, and Petra. They start their own warm-up, eyeing the team. "Sheesh, they look meaner than last year." Sasha comments, feeling a bit intimidated by them. "Don't worry about them, they won't see what's coming." Ymir smirks.

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