Levi X !Shy! Reader (AU)

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"Inkling of Like"


Season 3 Spoilers


Third Person POV

(F/n) was a shy and quiet girl, no doubt about it. She would occasionally get made fun of for her shyness and introverted spirt.

She only had one friend, but she was okay with that. She didn't want any other friends because she was too afraid to be judged quickly.

Right now, (f/n) was a freshman and attending Shiganshina High School with her best friend Sasha Braus. (F/n)'s favorite part of the day was when she had art class.

Not just because she loved art, but because there was this one boy there that stood out amongst the rest. His name was Levi Ackerman, and he was a great artist.

They haven't really gotten into a conversation before. Heck, they haven't said a word to each other at all! Sure, they would make eye contact on some days, but it wouldn't even last a full second.

But today, (f/n) didn't know what was coming her way. "Hey (f/n)!" The girl heard Sasha cheer as she walked up to their lockers, which so happened to be next to each other's.

"Hi." (F/n) replied with a smile. "So..." Sasha started, slowly, smirking in the end. "So..?" (F/n) raised an eyebrow, looking over at the potato-loving girl. "I have something fun for you to do." Sasha's smirk grew bigger.

"And what would that be?" (F/n) asked, shutting her locker now. "So you know that boy, Levi, that you won't shut up about? Well I thought I would give you a challenge!" She answered.

Her eyes widened with shock, what was Sasha planning? "A..c-challenge?" She stuttered. "Yep! You should compliment Levi on something. Shirt, shoes, butt, eyes...bah haha! Just kidding about the eyes." Sahsa laughed.

'Oh dear God, have mercy on my soul!' (F/n) thought. "What do I get in return?" She asked. "I dunno. His gratitude?" Sasha shrugged.

(F/n) sighed, defeated. "Okay..you have yourself a deal." She muttered. "Yes! Now you have to complete this challenge by the end of the day! You can even compliment him outside of art class!" Sasha cheered.

"I'll try, but art class is our only class together." (F/n) replied, hearing the bell go off for the next period to start. "I'll see you at lunch!" Sasha exclaimed, running down the hall, going to history while (f/n) headed to art.

(F/n) sat down in her usual seat, getting out the supplies she needed for her painting that she was working on. She was painting a picture of a(n) (whatever you would like) and she's been working very hard on it.

As she was getting out a paint palette from a cabinet, she noticed Levi and his friends walk in. 'Oh my God..he's here!' She kept herself from freaking out that her little crush (no pun intended) entered the room.

She squirted out all the paint colors and got brushes she needed before heading back to her table to continue from where she left off. (F/n) absolutely loved her art class, and there was nothing to complain about.

One thing that she loved so much about it, was that she was seated next to Levi and his friends. Some would find this creepy, but she's actually learned quite a bit about Levi and his two friends without talking to them.

No, not eavesdropping either. It's called listening to your surroundings. Some things that she learned were the names of his friends, the red head girl was Isabel and the blonde boy was Farlan.

Another thing was that Levi loves to clean, and hates when things get out of order. Whenever (f/n) was around him, she would feel herself tense up and her hands would start shaking.

'What do I say to him? When do I say it to him?' She tried not to stress about it too much and focused on trying to finish her painting.

Time Skip

There was only a half hour left of class and she needed to do this soon. (F/n) wasn't the kind of person who would want to let people down and she especially didn't want to upset Sasha.

'Ok..you can do this! Just tell him he has a nice painting.' She decided that she would tell him soon. She had to get a fresh water cup for cleaning her brushes do she thought it would be a good opportunity to tell him.

On her way back as she was about to pass him, it was like her legs didn't want to do what her brain was telling her to do. She walked right passed him and back to her seat.

'That's okay, I'll tell him before we leave class.' As the minutes were counting down, she didn't notice it was already time to clean up.

She knew she had failed Sasha now. (F/n) let out an inaudible sigh as she cleaned off her brushes and paint palette in the sink.

When she finished cleaning, she went to put her painting on the drying rack. But Levi was there. "I-I just wanted to tell you t-that your painting is b-beautiful." 'I really just said that..?'

"Really? Thanks. Your's is really good too." Levi replied, showing a small smile. Blood rushed to (f/n)'s cheeks, "T-thanks." she smiled.

When she put her painting on the drying rack and grabbed her backpack, she couldn't stop thinking about how happy she was to actually talk to Levi.

"Sasha!" The usually quiet girl exclaimed when she saw her friend in the hallway. "Hey!" Sasha smiled, turning around to look at her friend. "Guess what I did!" (F/n) smiled as well.

"Did you compliment Levi?!" Sasha gasped, earning a nod from (f/n). "You did it! Ah! I'm so happy!" Sasha caught her off guard in a large hug.

"Challenge for tomorrow," (F/n) rolled her eyes at Sasha. "join in on a conversation with him." Sasha giggled. "Oh Sasha." (F/n) face-palmed, chuckling.


Yep. So this one shot is (fun fact) inspired by me. That's right. By meh.

How you may ask? Well, about 90% of this stuff sort of happened with me.

Yes, even the complimenting part ._.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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