!Dad! Levi X !Mom! Reader

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"The Captain's Daughter: p1"


Season 3 Spoilers


(Requested by @freckledjesus___ )

Third Person POV

"Sprint!" Captain Levi shouts as he walks down the line of his squad, watching their form as they train. "Squat!" Everyone stops to do a squat before sprinting in place again. The whole exercise was excruciating in the hot sun, not to mention, no breaks. "Squat!" He shouts again after a few more seconds. "I wanna be... done!" Sasha pants from the end of the line, legs shaking from beneath her. Connie's too wiped out to respond so he nods, mouth hanging open as he gasps for air. "Two squats now!" The entire line of cadets groaned besides Mikasa who wasn't one to complain.

As squad Levi pushed through their final moments of today's training, Moblit approached the Captain with a message. "Keep sprinting until I say stop!" Levi commands his squad, turning his attention to Moblit now. "Yes, sir!" They reply, utterly exhausted. "What is it, cadet?" He crosses his arms over his chest, looking up at the other male. "Sir! I was sent to inform you that Kora has arrived and is waiting in Squad leader Hange's office." Moblit salutes his superior. "Kora? What the hell is she doing here..." Levi mutters, dismissing Moblit and walking back towards the barracks, completely forgetting about his squad's training. "Hey- w-where's he going?" Eren pants, looking back at his friends. Jean sighs and quits sprinting in place, taking a deep breath. "Finally!" "He never dismissed us, dimwit!" Connie scolds, being the smart one.

Levi approaches Hange's door, not bothering to knock, but walks straight in. "Oh! Hey, shorty!" Hange greets, immediately going back to their conversation. "Anyway, we're still running a lot of tests on Eren and how he can shift into a Titan. When he's training I use the time to log all of the research we've done so far and plan out the next experiment-" "Hange!" Levi snaps, gaining their attention. "Did you need something?" They cock an eyebrow in his direction. A young female sitting across from them turns around, smiling big before running over. "Hi!" She smiles up at the older man, squeezing him in a tight hug. "We were just catching up! Sorry for stealing her!" Hange explains, moving a stack of papers out of the way before getting up from their desk. "Tch, you outta clean in here sometime, it's filthy. C'mon, you don't need to be breathing in all this dust." Levi ignores Hange and looks down at the girl in front of him. "Since when do you care about my lungs?" Hange asks, tripping over a box but caught themself just in time. "I was talking to my daughter." Levi remarks.

"I'm here!" A voice emerges from the hallway. Everyone turns their attention to the doorway which lands on Squad leader (f/n). "Hey, Mrs. shorty!" Hange waves, playing off the fact that they totally didn't trip about five more times. "That's not my last name..." Levi quietly grumbles." "Hello to you too, Hange." (F/n) chuckles, squeezing in past Levi to visit. "Mom!" Kora exclaims, detaching herself from Levi to now engulf her mother in a hug. "Hi, sweetie!" She smiles, hugging her daughter back. "Awww... I love family reunions!" Hange sings in the background, even though nobody was paying attention to them. "I didn't think you were coming today." (F/n) mentions, still surprised to see her daughter here. "I wanted to surprise you guys! I mean, you did say you'd be back two weeks ago but never showed up." The fifteen year old frowns, still annoyed at the fact. "I know... and we're sorry for not coming home. We just get caught up in our duties." (F/n) sighs, petting her daughter's dark hair. "It's okay." She waves it off, but Levi pipes in. "You were also supposed to stay with your grandparents until we could come to visit. You know the rules." "Aw, c'mon, Levi, she's gotta see the new building at least once." Hange gasps from behind the group, getting an idea. "I can give her a tour!" Before Hange could finish their sentence, Levi ushered his family out of their office before a full-blown tour started.

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