Levi X !Nurse! Reader (AU) Part 4 ⚠️18+

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"Motherly: p4"


•18+ Content



•Suggestive Themes


(Requested by hinatobiofly )

Third Person POV

Christmas Day was always Lizzy's favorite holiday, besides her birthday. She didn't care so much for it also being her father's birthday because they never did much for him anyway. Now, with (f/n) in their family, they celebrated his birthday every year instead of not doing anything special. (F/n) had been struggling on what exactly to get him this year because he never asked for anything. He has all the cleaning supplies in the world and has a good stock of detergents and soap in the garage from using every coupon he can find in magazines. What the hell could he need that he doesn't already have? That's when the perfect idea sparked.

*Two Weeks Ago*

"(F/n), can you help me out in room 12? I've got a screaming kid who needs a shot and he is not having it." Her co-worker, nurse Zoë, asks. "Yeah, sure. I'll be there in just a minute." The (hair color) nurse smiles at her friend. "Oh, thank you so much! You're an Angel, (f/n)." Hange sighs, skipping off back to their room to try and calm the child down before (f/n) comes. (F/n) takes a breath and goes over to the restroom, feeling hot and lightheaded. This has been going on for a few days now, mostly in the afternoons and evenings.

After leaving the restroom, (f/n) goes into room 12 to assist Hange. "Hello! Are you Nicky?" (F/n) asks, heading over to the sink to wash her hands. "Yeah..." The little boy mumbles, nervously fidgeting. "Do you like superheroes? I like your shirt!" The nurse compliments, making him smile a bit. "Yeah." He nods, looking down at his shirt. "Which one is your favorite?" (F/n) sits on the swivel stool in front of him while Hange wipes off his arm. "Spider-Man!" He smiles bigger, happy to talk about something he likes. "Really? That's awesome!" She exclaims, glad to see him calmed down. "Okay, here it goes!" Hange warns him before sticking the needle into his arm for a brief second. "Aaand, we have superhero bandages!" (F/n) grabs one from the counter to hand over to Hange. Her co-worker opens the bandage and places it on his arm, grinning. "Look how cool!" They gasp, showing him his arm. "It's Spider-Man!" Nicky smiles widely, showing his mother.

After Nicky and his mom leave, Hange pulls (f/n) aside. "Thanks for saving me back there. It was hell trying to get him to stop crying." They sigh, feeling grateful for the help. "No problem, Hange." (F/n) grins, feeling nauseous again. "Hey, are you okay? You look pale." Hange's eyebrows furrow. "Yeah, I'm fine." She nods, disregarding her queasy stomach. "Mmm you're lying. When did you last do it?" They smirk, poking her shoulder. "Oh gosh, three days ago?" (F/n) laughs a little, embarrassed for admitting it. "And the time before that?" Hange pulls her into a room to talk privately. "Like... two days before that?" (F/n) shrugs. "Okay, so you're active, active. There's no point in me asking how many times." They snort, glancing at the clock in the room. "I'm on break now, let's get a urine sample." The nurse has crazy eyes, making (f/n) laugh. "Oh my God, okay, fine."

After a few minutes, Hange dips a stick into the cup (f/n) had given them. (F/n) leans against the counter, watching Hange ponder. "Do you think it's going to be positive?" She asks. "After the information you gave me and your ghost-like face, yes. For sure." Hange grins, straightening up. "Well, Levi better be ready then." The girl chuckles, silent after. "Okay! Let's see!" Hange pulls the stick out, inspecting it. "HOLY-"

*Present Day*

And that's what brings (f/n) to today. She had ordered a onesie online along with a shirt for Levi. She had wrapped it and left it in her car one day before work where Levi wouldn't be able to see or find it. Last night while he was asleep, she snuck out to grab it and place it under the tree so he could open it in the morning. As Lizzy finished opening her presents, (f/n) grabbed the present and placed it on Levi's lap. "What's this?" He asks, looking up at the girl as she takes a seat next to him. "Just a little something for your birthday and Christmas." She smiles at him, moving a strand of hair out of her face. The man furrows his brows and unwraps the gift, opening the box after. "You know you don't need to get me anything." He reminds his wife. "I know, but I like to get you things." She replies, suddenly feeling nervous for the big moment.

Levi gets the lid off and pulls tissue paper out of the way, seeing two folded items. Pulling out the onesie, he looks at it confused. "If this is a joke about my height, it's not that funny." He sighs, holding it up. "It's kind of funny." (F/n) shrugs, making him nod. "Only a little." He sets it down and pulls out the shirt. "What's it say?" (F/n) asks, glancing over at Lizzy who jumped next to her, trying to see. "What is it, daddy?" She asks, crawling across (f/n)'s lap to sit in between them. "Dad of Two...?" He looks over at (f/n). "Now, is this a joke about what you called-" Levi gets cut off by (f/n) clearing her throat. "What do you think it means?" She smiles innocently before Levi could finish his sentence and confuse Lizzy. That was the last thing he needed to say while his mother and uncle were also here. Kuchel had already gotten the idea, a smile growing on her face as she glances at her brother. Levi thinks then his face goes blank. "Are you...?"

"Surprise, shorty!" (F/n) exclaims, hopping off the couch. "You are?" He repeats himself, his eyes exaggerating in size. "Yes!" She grins, hoping he was happy. "What?" Lizzy frowns in confusion, not understanding. "Mommy's gonna have a baby, Liz." Levi says in a gentle voice, still in shock. "Really?!" Lizzy gasps, turning to face (f/n) with the biggest eyes. "You're going to have a little brother or sister, Lizzy!" (F/n) smiles, getting a large hug from the girl. "I'm so excited! I've always wanted a brother or sister! Grandma, uncle Kenny, I'm gonna be a sister!" She grins, getting squeezed by Levi as he holds the both of them. "That was the best present, (f/n)." Levi whispers to his wife, making her smile. "I'm glad." She whispers back.


Tfw your phone is at 29% and you're not home 🥲

Also, part two of !Prince! Levi X !Criminal! Reader is going to take a bit more time as it'll be a longer chapter just like the first part.

Hope you guys can wait! 🥺💙


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