!Possessive! Levi X Reader

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"Center of Attention"


(Requested by @TheSimpCookieMonster )

Third Person POV

"Hey, do you need a sparring partner, (f/n)?" Connie asks the (hair color) girl. "Oh, yeah, I do actually, thanks!" She smiles back at the buzzed haired boy, following him to an open spot where they could train. "Want me to get a tray for you while you get us a table?" Reiner holds up two trays for the both of them. "Sure! Thank you, Reiner! You're always so nice." The girl smiles up/down at the blonde, going off to find a table for her and her friends to eat at. "I finished my basket of laundry, need any help with yours?" Eren crouches down, looking at the basket of clothing (f/n) had. "The fact that you finished before me is kind of concerning, but yeah, that would be really helpful." (F/n) chuckles, watching as the teal-eyed kid kneels down on the ground to start washing a few pieces. "Oh! (F/n), you're belts are twisted, let me help you out." Jean approaches the distressed girl who was annoyed at her ODM gear. "Was that the problem? Oh geez, I put these on half-asleep, no wonder I can't attach this properly." She laughs, allowing Jean to help untangle her mangled belts. "It happens to all of us, eventually." Jean snickers, feeling his cheeks heat up from the closeness. (F/n) quietly growls, irritated by the fact that she can't reach a certain shelf in the storage closet. Of course, what she needed was on the very top shelf and there weren't any stools available. "Of course, this happens." She sighs, about to give up. "I thought I heard someone in here." Bertholdt's voice catches her attention from the doorway. "My savior! Can you grab that extra box up there?" The girl pleads. "Oh, sure." Bert nods, entering the closet and pulling it down with ease. "Thank you so much, Bertholdt! You saved my day." She smiles at him. "N-No problem." He grins with a slight blush.

"Cadet, have you gotten the box of rags yet?" The Captain asks, standing outside of the closet now. "Yes, sir! Bertholdt was actually the one who got them off the shelf for me so he deserves the credit." (F/n) grins, glancing towards the tall brunette beside her. "I-It was nothing." He shrugs nervously, always hating being in the same room as Levi. "Tch. Just bring them out, already. I waited long enough." Levi turns on his heel and walks away. "Thanks again for your help!" (F/n) pats the boy's shoulder before leaving him in the closet to follow their Captain.

All of these little interactions ticked off the Captain more than anything. Just about everyday, one of the boys would be up her ass about something. They took any opportunity they could find to spend time with her or help her out. (F/n) was blind to it, thinking they just really cared and wanted to help. They were nothing but gestures of kindness, in her eyes. However, they were trying to get under Levi's skin and make him jealous that they got to spend more time with his girlfriend than he could. Today was the last straw that they would get away with this. Starting tomorrow, (f/n) won't be allowed to accept any more favors from her horny, touch-deprived comrades.


"Watch out for that branch!" Reiner exclaims, noticing it had cracked and was hanging on by a thread. (F/n) hardly heard him in time, already landing on the branch to shoot her hooks into another nearby tree. Before she could do so and jump off, the branch broke beneath her, sending the girl plummeting towards the Earth. Then, before she could even react, Reiner flew past her, grabbing her in the act. "You okay?" He asks once they land to safety. "Yeah... thanks, Reiner, I didn't notice that branch was loose." She sighs, heart pounding from the accident. "Hey, I'd do anything to have your back." Reiner smirks, still holding onto her. Just as (f/n) is about to respond to his remark, another person cuts her off. "What the hell is going on here?" Captain Levi spits, crossing his arms over his chest. "(F/n) landed on a broken branch and I caught her before she fell, sir." The buff blonde explains, looking down at the short Captain. "When did this happen?" Levi asks, not even looking at (f/n). "Just a minute ago, sir." Reiner answers, hands never letting go. "Then why are you still holding onto my girlfriend?" Reiner starts to stutter out excuses, his face turning beat red from being caught. (F/n) chuckles at his state, walking back over to Levi once he let go. "He saved me, you can't be mad." She smiles, continuing to walk away.

That night after everyone had gone to bed, (f/n) snuck out of her dorm she shares with Christa, Sasha, and Ymir, to see Levi in his office. Once she made it to his door, she let herself in to figure out why he's been more up-tight than usual lately. "You didn't kno-" "I don't have to, remember?" (F/n) remarks, striding over to his desk to sit on the edge of it. "What did you need, then?" He asks, looking up at her. "I wanted to know why you've been so pissy lately. Just about everything is setting you off, hun." She chuckles slightly. "What do you mean?" He plays dumb, eyes going back to his papers. "Come on, Levi. Every time someone helps me, you look uneasy and annoyed. How come? Are my friends not allowed to help me? Let alone, even look at me?" Levi exhales, caught. "I don't like it because they're always flirtatious with you, acting like I don't exist." He mumbles, making (f/n) furrow her eyebrows. "Levi, that's not the reason they help me. They do it because they care!" Levi shakes his head. "(F/n), you're just being ignorant. I can see right through them, they're doing it because they like you and don't even care that we're together."

The words stung, especially being called ignorant. Although it sucks to hear that her friends are only helping because they have a crush on her, she realizes that Levi's feelings are more important than defending them. "Look, I'm sorry, Levi." (F/n) says softly, feeling bad that all this time, Levi had been hurt by their actions. "I didn't realize you felt that way nor that that was their intention. I won't let them help me anymore." (F/n) looks down at her lap. "You don't have to not accept their help anymore. I just don't want them thinking that they can get away with flirting with you." Levi explains, taking her hands in his. "Are you sure? I mean... I'll stop talking to them if you want me to. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." The idea is absurd and not at all what Levi was trying to get across. "No, don't do that, (f/n). Just... set a boundary with them. That's all I ask. I don't care if you still hang out and talk to them. They just need to know that you're mine and only mine." He explains, making her smile a bit. "Okay, Levi."


It's about to storm so I'm glad I got this finished before it begins to pour down rain! (Our power always goes out, it's a bit annoying 😐)

Random question, but do y'all like storms? I love them lol


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