!Injured! Levi X Reader (Genderfluid)

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"Under Pressure"






Second Person POV

"Two Titans approaching from behind! A 10-meter and a 7-meter!" Your comrade, Gunther, shouts from the back of the group. Quickly glancing over your shoulder, your eyes are welcomed with the dreadful sight of a Titan on your tail, gaining more speed. "Captain, your orders?" Another comrade, named Petra, asks frantically. Only two seconds go by before an answer is conveyed but with the given situation, it feels as if years passed before hearing orders. "Keep moving forward, I got them handled." Captain Levi tugs the reins of his horse back a little to fall behind.

Staring over your shoulder to watch as his and his horse's figure become smaller and smaller, you spot him jump off the noir stallion to take on the two Titans solo. Swallowing a nervous lump in your throat, you continue to follow your squad towards the checkpoint with the other squadrons.

Eventually, after riding for another ten minutes, you spot an old abandoned town, located somewhere in Maria, where you're meeting the other Scouts. Trotting towards the small camp, you swing your leg over your (color) mare/stallion to hop off onto the ground. Eld rides up next to you, doing the same and landing beside you. "Knowing how swift Captain Levi is, he should be right on our trail, right?" You look over/down/up at the blonde to your left. Clenching his jaw, Eld ponders for a moment. "I hope so." He mumbles, eyes focused on the forest you just emerged from.

In the middle of feeding your horse a spare apple from the supply cart, you hear a soft noise in the distance, almost missing it at first. Scanning around the area, your eyes eventually land on a tiny speck near the forest, heading closer to you. With a racing heart, you hope its not a Titan, and actually your Captain. As the speck grows closer, your heart beats much faster than before. "Captain?" Your eyes flicker around the approaching horse as it gallops your direction. After dropping the half-eaten apple for your mare/stallion, you dash towards the man on the other horse's back as you notice something is off. Immediately, you spot where the distress is, realizing his arm had been bitten by a Titan. Fortunately, it isn't that deep of a wound, meaning it can be spared with proper treatment.

"Captain, let me help!" You exclaim, unable to ignore his obvious discomfort. "Return to your duties, Y/n! I don't need help!" The man grunts as he adjusts his arm to slide off of his stallion. The bleeding has significantly stained his grey shirt, part of his Scouts jacket sleeve missing as well. He won't even let you near the wound without barking like a stray dog. Even being an assistant nurse prior to the Scouts doesn't seem to matter to him.

Without much thought, you refuse to turn your back on him, and instead, you march right over to him to help. "Y/n, I told you I don't need help." Captain Levi glares at you as you approach. Simply ignoring his demand, you reach out to carefully inspect his right arm. Using another hand, you push on his opposite shoulder to instruct him to sit on the ground. Barely cooperating, Captain Levi's steel gaze penetrates through your head as you keep your own eyes lowered on his wound.

"Can someone bring me water?" You shout, gazing over your shoulder to spot for anyone who heard you. Immediately, Petra runs over with a canister strapped around her body, pulling it off over her head. Holding out the metal tin, you retrieve it from her grasp to pour over Captain Levi's arm. Its not much but its all you have out here, it'll have to do until he can seek proper medical treatment. Furrowing his brows, Captain Levi glares at the wound as you rinse it from the oozing crimson blood. "Sorry Captain, its all we have." You mumble under his intense eyes, shaking the canister for the last drop of water.

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