Levi X !Male! Reader

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"After Midnight"



•Season 1 Spoilers


Third Person POV

"Hey, (f/n), the Commander would like to speak with you in his office." Armin says behind the (short/tall) male. "Oh, okay. Thanks Armin." He pats the blonde's shoulder before walking off towards the Commander's office. When the (h/c) haired soldier arrives, he knocks three times and waits for an answer. "Name and business." The Commander answers. "Cadet (f/n) (l/n), you wanted to talk, sir?" The cadet responds. "Come in." He opens the door and shuts it behind him before saluting to his Commander. "Tch." He hears, not expecting his Captain to be here as well.

"Have a seat, (l/n)." The Commander says. He obeys and sits down across from his desk. "Let me get straight to the point. We've just received news that someone out there is trying to assassinate Captain Levi." Commander Erwin immediately says. "Assassinate him? But why?" (F/n) raises a brow. "All we know is they're trying to get to Eren and the only way to do that, is to get rid of the one who's protecting him." The Commander answers, hands folded together. "Makes sense." (F/n) nods. "What we're asking of you, is you're now Captain Levi's bodyguard until we figure out who the assassin is. Do you understand and accept?" The blonde Commander looks directly at (f/n). "Yes, sir." He stood up straight and saluted once more. "Good. You'll have to keep watch 24/7. So be prepared for all nighters. We can't risk something happening to the strongest soldier here." Commander Erwin sighs a bit. "Understood, Commander. I will do my absolute best in protecting the Captain." (F/n) is dismissed afterwards.

The first night consisted of standing guard in his office while he finished work. It was quiet almost the whole night besides small talk every so often. (F/n) refused rest whenever offered because he made a promise to serve his superiors. Captain Levi's life is at stake by the traitors. The Survey Corps can't afford the loss of their most valuable soldier.

The second night was the exact same, nothing had happened. However, Captain Levi spoke a bit more to pass the time. (F/n) always looked up to Captain Levi and put his full trust in him. Now, his Captain felt the same. He had to put all his trust in his cadet for his own safety. (F/n) felt nothing but honored to be able to help.

The nights were long but they weren't lonely. Not to mention, this was not helping the small crush (f/n) had on the Captain. This had gone on for five nights in a row. On the sixth night, (f/n) had convinced Captain Levi to rest and not worry about his paperwork. It would still be there in the morning for him to finish. An hour had gone by since Captain Levi went to bed, now, it was just (f/n) standing alone in his office. Fortunately, the Captain's bedroom was attached to his office so if anything were to happen, it wasn't far.

It was perfectly quiet in the room, enough to make the male cadet feel exhausted. He decides to swing his arms a bit, trying to keep himself awake. The tiredness kept creeping up on him though, enough to make him close his eyes for a few minutes.

The sound of glass causes his eyes to fly open again, his body reacting before his mind can fully process what is going on. Rushing into the Captain's room, he spots an unfamiliar person grabbing him. (F/n) quickly runs over, jumping and tackling the person off of Captain Levi. Sitting up, he unsheathes a sword, holding it to their neck. However, they roll over, throwing the man to the ground. They throw a punch, landing it on his jaw. (F/n) recovers in an instant, tightly gripping his sword as he charges the intruder. By this time, others have heard the commotion, entering the room. (F/n) had managed to pin the assassin down again, holding their arms behind their back. Two other cadets assist him, handcuffing the invader and taking them away. Meanwhile, Captain Levi approaches the young man. "You saved my life, cadet. For that, I will forever be honored to have you on my squad." The comment fills (f/n)'s heart with nothing but joy, hiding the fact that his cheeks were tinted pink. "Thank you, Captain. It was the least I could do." The male smiles at the raven.


Yeah I've had this as a draft for ar least... 4 years. Oops... 😶


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