Levi X !Mime! Reader (AU)

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"Helping Hand"


•Season 1 & 3 Spoilers


Third Person POV

It was another regular day in Paris, France. (F/n) didn't have a high paying job, you see. She was a mime. She would always stand near the Eiffel Tower and entertain tourists or locals that visited.

Everyday, she always saw the same man walk to his work. He would visit (f/n) every other day on his lunch break and give her some money, which she kept in the black beret she wore.

He really admired the way she would make the children giggle when she performed silly acts. Such as juggling, pretending to be trapped in a box, and pretend to play with an invisible bouncy ball.

(F/n) loved her job. She wouldn't trade it for anything else. She saw so many different and familiar faces everyday.

The midnight black haired man owned his own tea shop across the street from the Eiffel Tower. It was a very successful business, that almost everyone in Paris knew about it. It was called Stohess Tea House.

It became a daily routine to see him. He would head to his tea house at five in the morning, and leave at seven in the evening.

(F/n) found him as an interesting man, and always wanted to talk to him. However, as a mime, she couldn't. She never got the chance to chat with him.

But one day, as (f/n) was getting ready to start her work day, she looked at her wrist watch. It was five in the morning. She looked around the area and saw no sign of the midnight black haired man.

'Maybe he's just running late?' She thought to herself. As the time flew by, she still didn't see the man. She tried not to think too much of it, she was a little occupied by taking a picture with an Australian tourist.

It was now noon, and today was another day where the man would visit (f/n). He never came.

The work day was over for (f/n). She works for a whole fourteen hours everyday, even weekends. She started to go back to her small apartment, which was only a few blocks away.

While she was walking, she bumped shoulders with someone. Turning around to apologize, she saw the man she was waiting for! Sadly, he was on the phone and payed no attention to her as he kept walking on.

The girl, still in uniform, frowned and continued her way back home.

A week passed and she hasn't seen the man since she bumped into him on the street. 'I wonder if he's ok.' She thought as she was starting another day of work in her usual spot.

The next day, she was given a day off for her hard work. She hasn't had a day off in a few months, so she well deserved one. The girl decided that she would go to Stohess Tea House and try to talk to the steel grey eyed man.

When she turned the corner of the sidewalk where the tea house was, she walked up to the door. A "closed" sign was hanging on the door. 'Strange, he's always opened on Saturdays.'

Just as she turned around, ready to go home again, she saw the man. Her eyes widened with excitement when her (e/c) eyes met his grey ones. This was her chance! Sadly, as she was about to open her mouth to speak, his phone rang.

He answered the phone, and sounded pissed off with the conversation. "I'm telling you, I'll have he money by Wednesday." He said. 'What is he talking about?'

The man hung up after awhile and when he turned around, he saw the (h/c) haired woman still standing there. "Can I help you?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"I was just wondering why you were closed." She said. 'I did it! I finally spoke to him!' "I'm being forced to shut down, just some complicated stuff is all." He replied.

"Money problems?" She asked. "Yeah." He sighed. "Oh! Where are my manners? I'm (f/n) (l/n)." She smiled, holding out a hand. "Levi Ackerman." Levi shook her hand.

"How much do you need to stay open?" She asked. "Nine hundred euros." Levi answered. "Well, I want to help! I've been saving up my paychecks for awhile now, and I want you to have it." She smiled.

"No, I couldn't do that! It's your money and you don't need to waste it on keeping a tea shop open." Levi declined her offer. "I insist, I really don't want your tea house to close for good. So take it." Levi shook his head 'no'.

(F/n) rolled her eyes, sighing. "Okay." She gave up, walking away. Instead of going home, she went to the bank so she could donate the money to Levi so he could keep his business running.


"I'm sorry, I don't have the money." Levi said. The two men who were letting Levi rent the property were there, and they were confused. "What do you mean? We already have the money." One spoke.

"Huh-?" Levi furrowed his brows. "Yes. A young woman actually donated the money." The other said. "Who?" Levi asked. "Right there." The man pointed across the street at a (h/c) haired mime.

Levi's eyes widened. The girl smiled, waving. "(F/n)?" Levi whispered to himself as a small smirk appeared on his lips.


I actually got this idea from seeing a commercial on the tv with a mime on it XD


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