!Cheater! Levi X Reader

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"Bitter Truth: p1"


•Does Not Follow the Original Storyline




(Requested by @TheSimpCookieMonster )

Third Person POV

*The Night Before*

It was the first sunny day in over a week. All the Scouts were finally able to train outside, dry, and not have to get drenched in the pouring rain. It felt wonderful to see the sun again and feel her warmth against their faces, not wanting to take the little things for granted. There was an unusual pep in everyone's step after training outdoors. Usually, the Scouts were groggy, serious, and tired everyday. It was the medicine everyone needed after the long week deprived of a blue sky.

After dinner, most of the cadets went back outside to enjoy the last bits of sun before it had completely set to begin the night, taken over by her sister moon. It is what everyone needed. A sense of normalcy for just a day. A day to unwind and feel that for once, something was going right. As the others sat outside, one of the cadets decided to go back inside and fetch their significant other, wanting to watch stars on the roof before they had to retire for the night. However, she wonders if it was luck or a mistake.

*Present Time*

(F/n) never got up for breakfast, laying in her bunk the entire day. She didn't care if she was going to get in trouble for not showing up and training today. It was the least of her worries. If someone came, she would say she felt under the weather. It was difficult to not explain her sudden gloominess to her roommates, Mikasa, Christa, and Sasha. They were all worried for her, not having a single clue as to why she didn't get up this morning.

That evening after dinner, Christa came in holding a plate of bread and a bowl of soup to give to (f/n) since she still didn't leave their room. Mikasa opens the door for her and Sasha, following behind when they came in. (F/n) continues to face the wall, silently, not paying any mind to the other girls. "(F/n)? You still haven't gotten up?" Christa asks softly, approaching the bottom bunk that (f/n) was on. Sasha follows and kneels next to the bed, looking up at Christa as she sat on the edge of it. "We brought you some dinner so you don't starve. It was hard enough transporting it here without Sasha getting it first." The short blonde chuckles slightly, trying her best to lighten the dark mood that floated in the atmosphere, but there was no response.

"We told Captain Levi you weren't feeling well and we were taking care of you so he wouldn't storm in and pull you outside by the collar of your shirt." Mikasa explains. The statement makes (f/n) recoil under her thin blanket, making the other girls confused that they got a reaction out of her. Sasha shares a look with Mikasa and Christa, wondering what made her cringe like that. "Can you sit up and eat?" Christa leans over a bit to try and see the (hair color) girl's face, but it is hidden under the blanket as well. Mikasa sighs and steps forward, causing Christa to move out of the way. The raven grabs a hold of the blanket, yanking it off of (f/n), making her shiver. "What's going on? Why won't you talk to us?" She asks more sternly, dropping the cloth on the floor. "You can come to us, (f/n). You know we'll help you." Sasha adds, sad to see her friend like this.

A few more minutes of silence pass before the girls are surprised to hear the sound of a faint cry. Their heads turn towards the balled-up girl on the bed, huddling closer to her now. "(F/n)...?" Sasha whispers, her brown eyes softening at the sad sight. "Tell us what happened." Christa sits on the bed again, brushing her hair out of her face (if it's long enough). "Who hurt you?" Mikasa's hands tighten into a fist. She hated nothing more than seeing her close friends and family sad or hurt. Whoever made (f/n) feel this way was going to get hell. "I-It's the Captain..." (F/n) finally breaks out, her (eye color) eyes red from tears. "What did he do?" Christa's brows furrow. Not that many people knew about their relationship, but (f/n) did tell her closest friends after a night of confessions.

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