Levi X !Enemies to Lovers! Reader (Genderfluid)

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•Season 1 Spoilers

•Mentions of Death



(Requested by: @karasunoskei )

Second Person POV

"Asshole!" You cursed after pulling your Captain's door shut. The little grumpy guy was severely irritated for who knows why. His only two moods were annoyed and angry, it seems. Your bitter relationship began the moment you were throttled into his squad. You had only been a part of the Survey Corps for two months when the Commander assigned you a Captain. Before that, you were tossed around different squads during expeditions so the idea of no longer moving sounded refreshing. However, the man he set you up with was not refreshing.

Apparently, he was a new Captain and you were the first person to join his team. After more weeks had passed, you remained as the only cadet on his squad, much to your dislike. This meant all the negative attention was on you. You were kind in the beginning, considering you were still fresh to the Regiment and needed to respect your superiors. However, that quickly changed the moment the Captain called you a "dumbass" for the first time. After that, all your patience had worn off.


"I think we should take down those abnormal 10 meters." You voice your opinion, glancing back at the similar in height Titans. Scoffing, the Captain continues forward. "You're an idiot. We have to keep pushing through. We already lost the others due to the rain, we can't risk ourselves while short-handed." Captain Levi remarks, causing your brows to twitch in frustration. He never trusts your judgment and always brushes off your ideas. "Disrespectfully, you're wrong. We can take them down!" You counter, snapping your reins to ride directly beside him. Without having to look, Captain Levi already knows you have a scowl. "I said "no," newbie. The visibility is too low to use ODM Gear. If you so strongly feel that's what you need to do, go ahead and get yourself killed but it won't be on my watch."

Fed up with his insults, you decide to do just that. "Fine. I will then. And I'll come back to haunt and possess you just for that." You huff before taking off in the other direction. By this time, the rain had begun to pick up some more with the wind. Pelting your face, you grip the hood over your head to hold it still while you ride off towards the following Titans. However, they had vanished. "Where the hell did they go...?" You mumble, pulling your horse to a stop.

Scanning the hazy horizon, your eyes squint to focus but alas, there's nothing in sight besides trees and open land in the close distance. Looking over your shoulder, you cup your hands around your mouth to shout. "Hey, Levi! I can't find them anymore!" You wait for a response. The seconds start adding up, realizing you won't be getting a response. He's long gone.

You knew splitting off after letting Levi's harsh words got to you was a juvenile move. You're a damn soldier, not a teenager who got mad at their parents. By now, you haven't seen the raven for over twenty minutes and you're beginning to have worse case scenarios. You don't even want to imagine the earful you'll receive if you happen to find him again.

Shielding your eyes from the pounding rain, you can't see anything beyond your horse's head. Unable to get any visuals, you fail to notice a slick puddle of mud, leading your horse straight through. (Horse's name)'s front right hoof slips on the mud, falling forward which sends you over the top in a split second. As soon you land, a pop sounds beneath your weight, the pain hesitating to connect with your brain. Gasping at the throb in your left wrist, you quickly push yourself up with your spared hand, sitting in the puddle of mud. "Shit!" You hiss, gingerly brushing your fingertips against your sprained wrist.

Levi x Reader (ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now