Levi X Reader (Genderfluid)

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"Coming Home"


Season 1 Spoilers

•Mentions of Death


Second Person POV (ayo we're switching it up)

Having a husband in the Military came with more challenges than smooth sailing. Ever since you tied the knot, you were aware of what was to come in the future. Even before you wed, you prepared yourself to hardly see your partner and to hope each day he would be safe at work and make it home after each expedition. You were lucky enough he got you a nice house to stay in while he was away and could come back to whenever he had the chance to get away from Headquarters. Granted, it was nothing special but it would do for the time being. However, it was a bit far from his work.

It had been weeks since you saw your husband. Those weeks slowly turned into months. Occasionally, you would receive letters, briefly explaining his absence as best as he could without giving away secret Scout information. The vague explanations kept you expectantly waiting for the day he would come in through the front door and give you the real answer as to why he's been away for so long. Coworkers at your textile shop began to wonder what was keeping all the Scouts away from home as well, asking you for any insight since your husband was in a higher rank among the branch. You, however, had no better explanation than it was busy for them.

The day Trost was breached, you had received a letter from Levi that he was heading out on another expedition a couple days beforehand. It hit a little too close to home, only living on the other side of the Wall, in a small village inside of Rose. Many civilians came flocking in, seeking food and shelter after losing their properties. Thankfully, no one was at the Headquarters during the attack but that also meant a lot of lives were still lost that day. You only wished he would return home to you instead.

Word had finally hit the streets that some kid had turned into a Titan and was going to plug the hole in Trost with a boulder. The story sounded insane and was probably made up by the government to get people talking as a distraction method from whatever they wanted to do next. You didn't believe it until the hole was successfully closed off, allowing people to re-enter and rebuild what was lost of Trost. That's when things were starting to make more sense. You figured this Titan boy was the reason your husband wasn't coming home, having to deal with this new revelation and handling random Titan attacks on the Walls. It was his duty, after all.

More weeks passed as you waited for his return, not hearing any news about possible time-off or even just a night at home. Maybe one day he would return. The only news you got was another expedition into Wall Maria. The first one since the fall of Trost District. That night, you begged he would come home after this expedition and that he would be safe during it. All you wanted was to see his face again and hear his voice. His penmanship wasn't enough to heal your lonely heart.

The afternoon of the expedition, you heard other families discussing the Scouts' early return home. Levi was finally going to come back and there was no longer a dull ache in your chest. You immediately set out to the bigger village where they would come through, a crowd already forming to wait for them. By the time you got there, the long parade of Scouts slowly made their way through the town. They all look defeated and beaten down, making you lose a bit of hope. Surely, he would be amongst the others like he always was.

Eventually, you spotted an older man following a shorter fellow, chatting his ear off while he walked with a numbness to his appearance. When he got closer and you were able to recognize him, you ran as fast as you could, not caring how out of breath you would be. "Levi!" You shouted as you got closer, your (color) eyes meeting his. Coming in to close the gap, you dove into his arms, the force knocking you both to the ground as you held onto him in a tight embrace. The moment was more than surreal, taking a minute to fully comprehend that neither of you were simply dreaming but it was indeed reality. Levi was still left in shock but eventually reciprocated the embrace, pulling you in closer as your heads rested together. Other Scouts walked around you two quietly as you only cared to listen to your husband's breathing.

"I lost them all..." His voice broke the silence between you. The words shocked you, never expecting to hear him lose his squad. You didn't know what to say. You were at a loss for words. All you could do was hold onto him even tighter than before, letting him know you were there for him. "I'm so sorry, darling..." You whispered, rubbing his cloaked back. The bustle of the streets subsided as you held onto your husband and comforted him the best you could, tears freely falling from your eyes for the many different emotions you were feeling. He was silent but you knew that just being able to hold you was enough to get his feelings out.

When all the Scouts had passed by, Levi slowly pulled back but not too far, just enough to see your face. He looked down/up/straight into your teary (color) eyes as he cupped your cheek, feeling like you were a mirage and needed reassurance that you were real. You smiled gently at his tender touch and placed a hand over his. "Let's go home." You whispered as another tear rolled down your scarlet cheek.


Well this was unexpected...

Facebook's been playing too many military reunion videos which ultimately made me cave and write this :')


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