Levi X !Self Conscious! Reader (AU)

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"Perfect to Me"



•Body Image

•Season 3 Spoilers


Third Person POV

Staring in the mirror, (f/n)'s eyes glossed over her figure, turning every which way in the dress she currently wore. The dress was gorgeous yet simple, nothing too flashy and didn't need a certain time or place in order to wear and have it be appropriate. Everything from the shade, shape, and comfort was perfect, however, the problem was her. "I look awful in this." She sighs, deciding to quickly undress and put her regular clothes back on.

I knew I shouldn't have tried it on, I knew it would drop the last ounce of confidence I had left.

When she was finished, she left the fitting room and stuck the dress on a return rack, before exiting the store completely. Now, there was absolutely nothing she could wear to her boyfriend's graduation party. Nothing flattered her and nothing made her feel good about herself. Any fabric in existence was mocking her. Even though others said that was far from the truth, (f/n) never believed it.

"Empty handed again?" The voice of her boyfriend catches her attention as she leaves the fitting room. "Yeah." She sighs, playing with the strap of her bag. "How come?" He asks, slowly walking her towards the door. "Just didn't fit quite right." She shrugs, following him outside and to the car. "That's a shame, but we'll find you something, I know it. This one didn't work out because something better is waiting for you." Levi opens the passenger door for her to which she quietly thanks him.


Dress shopping, take 2.

(F/n) walked into the same store the next day, still in search of the perfect piece to wear. Not only were their friends going to be there but this is her first time meeting his mother so she has to look her best. Levi's busted his ass for a Master's degree, looking put together for one night is the least she can do. Today, Levi wasn't able to join her so it was a solo quest. Without him here, she would feel a little less embarrassed to come out and show off with an awkward twirl. But she would also be harder on herself since he wouldn't be there to scold her for making negative comments about the way she looks.

Skimming through all the racks and feeling the different materials, (f/n) pulled out three dresses that could possibly on the slightest chance be okay. Eventually, she takes them all to the fitting room to begin the self criticism process. The first dress was a hard no before pulling it up past her knees. The second dress was all right but it didn't lay on the chest in a comfortable way. The last dress was the same as from the other day. It was (favorite color) and fit so nicely although (f/n) was still hesitant. While looking at the dress in the mirror, her phone lit up and started to ring. Checking the phone, it was Levi FaceTiming, so she answered.

"Hey, did you find something?" He asked as soon as she picked up. "No, not really. I'm just trying one on right now." She looks down at it again, not wanting to point her phone in any direction to give him a view. "Can I see it?" Of course he would want to. "Um... yeah, sure." She taps the screen and flips the camera before taking a few steps back. "It's not the best. I don't know if I'll find anything." Levi looked at his screen and felt a grin tug at the corner of his lips. "I think anything looks great on you as long as you feel good, yourself. You can make anything look good as long as you feel confident." (F/n) chewed on her lip as she listened to him.

"What do you like about the dress?" He decided to ask. "Well... I like the color of it." She smooths her hand over the skirt, eyes glued to the fabric. "What else?" Thinking for a moment, she finds something else. "The length is nice, no ass showing when I stand, sit, or bend over." She chuckles lightly. "See? Now, one more." "I mean, it looks nice and it's comfortable to wear. No itchiness and no tightness." Levi nods, already knowing what to say next. "A dress that's your favorite color, it's practical, and comfortable. Isn't that the perfect one then?" (F/n) was still feeling hesitant about this dress. She never would have imagined herself wearing something like it. "You could say that... yeah. But I still don't know." She shrugs. "I think you look amazing in it. Why don't you get it and if you truly don't like it we'll bring it back. I want to see it on you in person." (F/n) thought again for a good amount of time, still unable to decide.

Levi then waved over their friends to get their opinions. "Oh, hey guys." Jean waves, coming over. "Woah, is that (nickname)?" Connie exclaims, pushing Jean out of the way in order to see Levi's phone better. "Wait, (f/n)? Let me see, I wanna say hi!" Sasha gasps, running over to see for herself. "No way, that dress looks so pretty on you!" She smiles brightly, waving Armin and Mikasa over. The two look over Sasha and Levi's shoulders, hyping (f/n) up as well. "Aw, (f/n), is that for the party this weekend? You look like a queen!" Armin grins, making (f/n)'s cheeks turn pink. "Yeah, it fits you really well." Mikasa chimes in. "For sure." The others in the room nod in agreement. "Everyone else seems to agree with me." Levi says.

(F/n) felt so overwhelmed with love and encouragement from her friends and Levi that she didn't want to let them down and leave the store without the dress. "Okay... I'll get the dress, but only because you guys said so." She turns the camera back around to face her. "Good. We all love it on you and you should feel the same way now. If not, you'll make Armin and Sasha cry. We certainly don't want that to happen." He glances at the two behind him. "I understand, I'd rather not make them upset." (F/n) agrees.


As soon as she walked in the front door, Levi was already home and ready to see the dress in person. "Hey, Levi, I got the dress." (F/n) grins, setting the bag down on a chair. The man approaches and wraps her in a tight hug before anything else. "I don't care what you wear, you'll always look fantastic, okay? You don't need anyone's approval to feel confident or beautiful." He whispers. "What about your mom? Won't she want me to be... perfect?" The girl questions, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Never. As long as you're yourself, that's all that matters. The only person you should impress is yourself." He pulls back slightly to meet her gaze. "She'll love you for you, just as you should do the same."


Good morning Breadsticks! It's past midnight here so why not update with a one-shot?

Thank you for continued support and sending requests!

I finally finished school for the semester so I should hopefully be able to update some more in the upcoming weeks!

Good day or night!


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