Levi X !Jealous! Reader X Petra

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"Gold or Silver?"


(Requested by Eyachimo )

Third Person POV

Being in a serious relationship in the military was not easy. Especially when the only people that knew were the Commander and Squad Leader Hange. Other than that, their relationship was kept a complete secret from the other cadets and those outside of base. Acting professional and sneaking through the halls after bed was another story. Who would have thought they needed to act like rebellious teenagers in their late twenties and thirties?

However, Levi did want to tell people, or at least not have to hide it anymore. The thought of being vulnerable and flat out stating that he has a girlfriend is just opening a door for teasing, which he would rather avoid altogether. Levi's kept an image for his peers, known as the stoic, straightforward, will kill you if needed, type of man. Letting his guard down and telling his squad about his girlfriend of almost two years would ruin his image. At least, that is what he thinks and expects.

There weren't a lot of people that Levi could consider being "close" to in the Scouts. Other than fellow Squad Leaders and Commander Smith, Petra, his cadet, was the only person he could think of. She's known him since her first day in the Scouts and was the first person to join his squad when he was promoted to a Captain. She's the person who will go out of her way to please her superior and never let him down. There's no doubt he wouldn't appreciate her hard work and lack of complaints.

Keeping a secret was a big deal to (f/n), a cadet of Squad Leader Hange. To Levi, it's just another piece of information he can find easy to keep to himself, but it was getting old. Everyday, (f/n) would beg him to just drop this whole front of being a lone wolf and come clean to his squad, but Levi had other plans in mind. Sitting at a table in the dining hall, Levi occasionally glanced down at Petra's left hand from behind his teacup. No one noticed him, thankfully, being secretive was second nature to him. That is, until, everyone except Petra had gotten up to wash their dishes. "I can take your plate if you're finished, Captain." Petra offered before standing up to join her comrades. "That's not needed, cadet." He waved it off, speaking up again before she left. "Cadet Ral, what's your ring size?" The question caught the strawberry-blonde off guard, she didn't know what to think in the moment. "P-Pardon?" She stutters, making sure she heard him correctly. The Captain lowers his teacup, a bored look on his face. "I don't repeat myself, cadet." The girl nods, thinking of an answer. "I'm not really sure... a seven?" Levi takes that information, getting up and leaving with his dishes without another word. The question stuck with Petra the rest of the night, not having a clue as to why he would ask something so absurd.

Over the course of a few days, the questions seemed to become more strange, but Petra wasn't complaining. The last question he had asked her was along the lines of "gold or silver" without any context. Petra was still confused on all these sudden questions that seemed to have no other information for her to figure out why he was asking them. However, she still kept to herself and didn't ask anyone why her Captain would ask such things. He never even spoke after she gave her answers, making all of this much more confusing.

That is, until, someone overheard their last exchange. "Petra?" A voice called, approaching from behind. "Oh-" The girl turns around, surprised. "Eld, you're still washing up?" The tall blonde takes a seat next to her, shaking his head. "No, I just finished. What are you still doing here?" The girl bites her cheek, not sure what to say. "I heard the Captain. What's he talking about?" The man says when Petra doesn't provide an answer. "Um... well... I'm not really sure?" Eld can tell that Petra is telling the truth so he doesn't push anymore questions. "I don't... I don't know what he's doing because he's asked me other things too." Petra speaks up, eyes trailing around the tabletop. "Like what?" Eld's eyebrows furrow out of concern. "Like... preferences? What do girls like? I have no idea what the intent is." She shrugs, meeting Eld's gaze after. "Do you think he's planning something?" He suggests. "Like what?" The strawberry blonde's head tilts to the side. "Not sure, but he likes you the most out of the entire squad, it seems. I mean, you're always at his heels like a lost puppy." He chuckles, earning one from her as well. "Yeah... you're right about that. I just hate being useless." She glances towards the floor.

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